论坛主题:创客的城市共创 Co-Making in the City
1) Ian Rowen, PhD
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore -- Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning
Burning Man Project -- International Meta-Regional Representative
Ian Rowen博士是新加坡南洋理工大学社会科学院地理和城市规划系助理教授,兼任拉惹勒南国际关系学院艺术设计媒体系助理教授,美国政府富布赖特奖获得者,复旦大学的访问学者,火人节项目的国际区域代表,致力于推动创意与学术的结合。
Ian is Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning in t
he School of Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, a Fulbright Scholar who has delivered invited talks at institutions including Stanford, Harvard, NYU Shanghai, etc, and has been a Visiting Scholar at Fudan University (China). Ian also serves as International Meta-Regional Representative for the Burning Man Project. He has created interactive art pieces, founded events, connected communities, and continues to serve in an advisory role to Project founders, directors and staff.
2) Francois Grey 弗朗索瓦·格雷
中文title: 日内瓦大学、日内瓦清华项目总监
英文title: Director, Geneva Tsinghua Initiative / University of Geneva
弗朗索瓦·格雷是日内瓦清华计划的项目总监,该计划是全球首个针对联合国可持续发展目标的教育项目。2017年,他主导建立了SDG Solution Space(联合国可持续发展目标解决方案空间),以培养更多创新者,推动实现全球可持续发展目标。
Francois Grey manage the Geneva Tsinghua Initiative, the world’s first comprehensive education programme for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, launched in 2016 with Tsinghua University in Geneva, Beijing and Shenz
hen. In 2017, the Initiativeestablished the SDG Solution Space, a maker space for collaboration between the hundreds of UN agencies, International Organizations and NGOs in Geneva, and students from around the world. They support challenge-based learning for the SDGs in several formats : hackathons, online coaching, summer schools, certificate courses, Masters programmes. Our mission is to nurture social innovators who tackle the Global Goals.
3) Andrew Quitmeyer
英文title:National University of Singapore / Digital Naturalism
Andrew Quitmeyer博士是一名致力于研究野生动物和计算设备综合交叉学科的黑客、冒险家,是新加坡国立大学的“数字自然主义”学术研究的主导人,他在世界各地发起“徒步黑客”,鼓励参与者在野外应用科技,与大自然互动。他在探索频道主持了系列纪录片“求生极客”。
Dr. Andrew Quitmeyer is a hacker / adventurer studying intersections between wild animals and computational devices. His academic research in “Digital Naturalism” at the National University of Singapore blends biological fi
eldwork and DIY digital crafting. He runs “Hiking Hacks” around the world where participants build technology entirely in the wild for interacting with nature. His research also inspired a ridiculous spin-off television series he hosted for Discovery Networks called “Hacking the Wild.” The Digital Naturalism Conference (www.dinacon.org) is his largest undertaking thus far, and is leading him to start his own permanent Art-Science Field Station Fab Lab.
4) 施炯,Jiong Shi
中文title: 浙江万里学院副教授硕士生导师物联网工程系主任
英文title: AssociateProfessor, Master Supervisor and Dean of the Department of IoT Engineering, Zhejiang Wanli University
施炯是浙江万里学院电子与计算机学院的副教授,国家级众创空间“万里笃创”的指导教师。他连续10年获得微软MVP荣誉,曾出版《Windows IoT应用开发指南》。他在国际创客项目分享平台Hackster上贡献了多个项目。
Jiong Shi is an associateprofessor at the School of Computer and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang Wanli University, China. He has been a Microsoft MVP for ten years, an author of the book “Win
dows 10 IoT Application Developer Guide”. Heis active in local developer community, speaking at technical conferences, writing articles on Hackster, contributing to Windows IoT Core open-source projects, and serving as a mentor and Microsoft Community Contributor (MCC). He is a productive project content constributor on one of the biggest project plateforms --Hackster.io, and serveral of his projects have wonprizesfor serveral international online contests.
5) 梁嘉仪,Carrie Leung
Director of Maker Education, Shenzhen American International School
Co-Founder, SteamHead Non-Profit Group
Director, MakeFashion Edu
Carrie Leung is a native of San Francisco and has proudly called Shenzhen home for the past seven years. Carrie made the shift from a tech and finance career into education, focusing on making relevant education accessible. She is the Director of Maker Education at Shenzhen American International School- empowering learners, adults and children alike, through making, sharing and collaboration by exacting project based learning methods. Carrie is also an advocate and devotee to creating free, bilingual, and easily accessible open source materials and platforms to bridge, enable, and empower communities in Shenzhen.
6) 吴迪,Lyla Wu
中文title: Neuni集团行政总裁和创始人
英文title: CEO & founder of Neuni Group
吴迪(Lyla Wu),创客、建筑师、设计师、艺术策展人和教育家。2015年,吴迪在上海创立了创新实验室Neuni Lab,一个集合数字设计、数字智造、联合办公、创新教育、品牌孵化和商业销售的一体化空间。2016年,在上海创立了MateriO中国,成为中国第一个专注全球新材料培训,孵化和交易的创新平台。
Lyla is at the same time a maker, an architect, a designer, an art curator and an educator. As an educator, Lyla is currently serving as a visiting professor at Tongji University. In 2015, Lyla founded Neuni_lab, a workspace that combine innovation and prototyping in a laboratory environment, providing experimentation and integration of digital design, digital fabrication, co-working space, creative education, brand incubation and commercialization. In 2016, Lyla obtained exclusive right to collaborate with MateriO and founded Neuni Materio China in Shanghai, thereby becoming the first world-class Chinese platform that provide training, incubation and trading of innovative materials.
7) 施惟捷,Shih Wei-Chieh
中文title: 数位艺术工作者, 材料研究者
英文title: Media artist, e-textile designer, material researcher
数位艺术工作者、材料研究者,专注智慧材料在纺织物上的应用,Tribe Against Machine计划主办人,该计画邀请国际电子织品艺术家到部落与偏乡,探索传统文化和智慧纤维材料如何合作,以工作坊形式邀请艺术家进行年度性的智库讨论。
Shih Wei Chieh is a media artist, e-textile prototype designer and a self-taught material researcher based in Taipei. His wearable works have shown at many global tech and maker events such as SXSW, E-textile Summer Camp, Adafruit, and CTM Festival. Since 2015 another project of his “Laser Dye” explores the UV photosensitive processing and ancient photography rephrasing, digital fabrication for fashion clothing. He’s also the founder of Tribe Against Machine, a social engaged annual event invites e-textile artists to collaborate with traditional textile communities.
8) 刘湘怡,Liu Hsiang-yi
中文title: 建筑设计师,创客, 咖啡师
英文title: Architect, maker, barista
在深圳工作六年的***建筑师, 跨界共创者,从专业建筑设计到景观、室内,再跨界到电子编程与互动装置。在2018年协助举办了Transformable Space建筑设计与创客工作坊,尝试突破设计的边界, 探索空间与科技之间更多的可能性。
From Taiwan, Hsiang-yi is anarchitect, maker,andbarista based in Shenzhen. She believes that good designs originate from one's imagination for everyday life. Her diverse background, from architecture
to landscape and interior design to electronics and interactive installations, allows her to think in dimensions that lead to interdisciplinary collaborations. In 2018, Hsiang-yi helped to organize Transformable Space, bringing together architects and makers with the intention of pushing the boundaries for design in search of possibilities between physical space and technology.
9) Mohammad Salah Uddin
中文title: 孟加拉东西大学助理教授
英文title: Assistant Professor, East West University, Bangladesh
Mohammad Salah Uddin博士现任孟加拉东西大学计算机科学与工程系助理教授。2017年取得了机器人博士学位。他的研究主要聚焦在机器人系统、自动化、感应系统、物联网和机器视觉等,曾在多个同行评审的国际会议和期刊上发表过研究论文。
Dr. Mohammad Salah Uddin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the East West University, Bangladesh. Prior to this he was working as a Researcher (Tradr - European project) in Sapienza University of Rome. Received the PhD degree in Robotics in Sapienza University of Rome in July 2017. His research mainly focuses on Robotics system, Automation, Sensory System, Internet of Things, Machine Vision etc. He published several research papers in peer-reviewed conference/journal from his research work.
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