Latest Res earch Advancement and Assessment of Chip Cooling Techniques
Li Tena and Liu Jing Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080 Abstract Improvement on the chip integration density has to face the restriction fr(>m the thermal barrier caused by the heat generation within the electronic elements.Recently,with the rapid progress of the micro/nano electronics,requirement on high perform ance chip cooling techniques has been further placed at a new high leve1.Eforts made towards this direction have led to the establishment of a series of new exciting methods.Based on anatyzing the heat ge neration mechanisms of the electronic elements,the newly emerging chip cooling tec hniques and their practical applications are reviewed .Advantages and shortcomings of these methods and the relative critical issues are evaluated .Prospect in the chip cooling area is also stated .
Keywords Pyrolog y;chip cooling technique;review;chip package;enhanced heat transfer;gas cooling;liquid cooling;so lid refrigeration
Latest Res earch Advancement and Assessment of Chip Cooling Techniques
Li Tena and Liu Jing Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080 Abstract Improvement on the chip integration density has to face the restriction fr(>m the thermal barrier caused by the heat generation within the electronic elements.Recently,with the rapid progress of the micro/nano electronics,requirement on high perform ance chip cooling techniques has been further placed at a new high leve1.Eforts made towards this direction have led to the establishment of a series of new exciting methods.Based on anatyzing the heat ge neration mechanisms of the electronic elements,the newly emerging chip cooling tec hniques and their practical applications are reviewed .Advantages and shortcomings of these methods and the relative critical issues are evaluated .Prospect in the chip cooling area is also stated .
Keywords Pyrolog y;chip cooling technique;review;chip package;enhanced heat transfer;gas cooling;liquid cooling;so lid refrigeration
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