The MAX1818 low-dropout linear regulator operates
from a +2.5V to +5.5V supply and delivers a guaran-
teed 500mA load current with low 120mV dropout. The
high-accuracy (±1%) output voltage is preset at an
internally trimmed voltage (see Selector Guide) or can
be adjusted from 1.25V to 5.0V with an external resis-
tive divider.
An internal PMOS pass transistor allows the low 125µA
supply current to remain independent of load, making
this device ideal for portable battery-operated equip-
ment such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), cellu-
lar phones, cordless phones, base stations, and
notebook computers.
Other features include an active-low open-drain reset
output that indicates when the output is out of regula-
tion, a 0.1µA shutdown, short-circuit protection, and
thermal shutdown protection. The device is available in
a miniature 800mW 6-pin SOT23 package.
Notebook Computers
Cellular and Cordless Telephones
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
Palmtop Computers
Base Stations
USB Hubs
Docking Stations
from a +2.5V to +5.5V supply and delivers a guaran-
teed 500mA load current with low 120mV dropout. The
high-accuracy (±1%) output voltage is preset at an
internally trimmed voltage (see Selector Guide) or can
be adjusted from 1.25V to 5.0V with an external resis-
tive divider.
An internal PMOS pass transistor allows the low 125µA
supply current to remain independent of load, making
this device ideal for portable battery-operated equip-
ment such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), cellu-
lar phones, cordless phones, base stations, and
notebook computers.
Other features include an active-low open-drain reset
output that indicates when the output is out of regula-
tion, a 0.1µA shutdown, short-circuit protection, and
thermal shutdown protection. The device is available in
a miniature 800mW 6-pin SOT23 package.
Notebook Computers
Cellular and Cordless Telephones
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
Palmtop Computers
Base Stations
USB Hubs
Docking Stations
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