usb power switch
The AP2501 and AP2511 are single channel current-limited integrated high-side power switches optimized for Universal Serial Bus (USB) and other hot-swap applications. The family of devices complies with USB standards and is available with both polarities of Enable input. The devices have fast short-circuit response time for improved overall system robustness, and have integrated output discharge function to ensure completely controlled discharging of the output voltage capacitor. They provide a complete protection solution for applications subject to heavy capacitive loads and the prospect of short circuit, and offer reverse current blocking, over-current, overtemperature and short-circuit protection, as well as controlled rise time and under-voltage lockout functionality. A 7ms deglitch capability on the open-drain Flag output prevents false over-current reporting and does not require any external components. All devices are available in SO-8, MSOP-8, MSOP-8EP and U-DFN3030-8 Type E packages.

The AP2501 and AP2511 are single channel current-limited integrated high-side power switches optimized for Universal Serial Bus (USB) and other hot-swap applications. The family of devices complies with USB standards and is available with both polarities of Enable input. The devices have fast short-circuit response time for improved overall system robustness, and have integrated output discharge function to ensure completely controlled discharging of the output voltage capacitor. They provide a complete protection solution for applications subject to heavy capacitive loads and the prospect of short circuit, and offer reverse current blocking, over-current, overtemperature and short-circuit protection, as well as controlled rise time and under-voltage lockout functionality. A 7ms deglitch capability on the open-drain Flag output prevents false over-current reporting and does not require any external components. All devices are available in SO-8, MSOP-8, MSOP-8EP and U-DFN3030-8 Type E packages.

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- TA7680AP pdf,datasheet,图像及伴音中放
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