of 15V@15 A for Constant Voltage Output Application such as Voltage stabilizer or as Power amplifier
2015-03-23 15:41:11
discreteheterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) suitable for awide range of RF driver applications
2009-05-12 11:35:41
efficiency, high performance andhigh power converters continues to expand. Demand forsmaller, lighter
2009-05-12 11:13:19
求教,STM32的 LL_Driver与HALL_Driver库有什么区别啊?
2023-11-06 06:30:10
Driver, used with fiber-optic linksor photo-couplers, provides an isolated gate drive that isideal for switching MCT or IGBT devices in power circuits.
2009-05-12 11:02:59
Unified Constant-Frequency Integration Control of Three-Phase Standard Bridge Boost Rectifiers
2011-09-10 23:19:15
描述The PMP4484 is a power reference design with AC input. It is a isolated LED driver, provides 6
2018-09-11 09:14:43
Switching Frequency2A Constant Output Current CapabilityInternal Optimize Power TransistorExcellent
2018-12-04 14:23:21
错误:第45行:语句不可合成,因为它在NOT(时钟边沿)条件下不保持其值Netlist simpl_test(Behavioral)由于其内容错误而仍然是黑盒子图书馆IEEE
2019-11-06 08:38:13
addr1 = &READ.Dat1[0];const uint32 addr2 = &READ.Dat1[1];keil编译会警告 #1296-D:extended constant
2018-11-01 08:33:30
求高手科普一下 UART HAL driver与UART Peripheral Driver 有何不同
2020-06-05 05:17:34
Sigmastudio for shark中的Dynamic bass boost中有一个time constant,如何用公式计算它的值; 设定90ms时,我在capture窗口看到0.000231454691710486 0x39,0x72,0xB2,0xA5这是如何计算出来的?
2018-11-15 09:08:15
描述The TIDA-01095 TI design is a tested DC-DC LED driver subsystem for high power, high efficiency
2018-10-30 10:45:22
Current Driver/Repeater KFD0-CS-Ex2.51P2-channel isolated barrier24 V DC supply (loop powered
2022-11-04 09:42:54
4-Channel Constant Current White LED Driver: General Description FeaturesThe
2009-06-20 21:15:02
CDT2516 16-Bit Constant Current LED Drivers:* The CDT2516 is specifically designed for LED
2009-06-21 11:05:29
18 The A706 is a high voltage Boost driver with 6 channelsadjustable constant current regulators
2009-08-27 16:26:51
25 The ZD850 is a constant off-time, high power LED driver ICusing a Buck Converter Topology
2009-08-27 16:54:23
16 The ZD860 is a constant off-time, high power LED driver ICthat is capable of driving up to 1.5A
2009-08-27 16:59:57
20 The A704 is a PWM high efficiency LED driver cntroller. The LED string is driven at constant
2009-08-27 17:30:50
A701/2 are adjustable constant current drivers
2009-09-07 08:00:40
16 The A718 is a monolithic switching regulator designed todrive high power LEDs with constant current
2009-09-07 08:20:27
29 High Power LED Driver IC:介绍了高能力LED驱动芯片的应用电路及参数。
2009-09-07 08:24:53
16 SE9016 is a complete constant-current & constant voltage linear charger for single
2009-09-29 08:06:53
43 , the two switches in a nonisolated synchronous buck power converter. Each driver is capable of driving a 3000 pF load with a 45 ns propagation de
2009-10-15 16:18:41
19 This is design for constant current converter use for LED driverinput : DC 20-28Vout put voltage: DC 60-120vout put current: 340mA
2009-10-17 10:29:34
5 The IR4426/IR4427/IR4428 is a low voltage, highspeed power MOSFET and IGBT driver. Proprietarylatch
2009-10-19 14:57:35
19 The A718 is a monolithic switching regulator designed todrive high power LEDs with constant current
2009-10-30 10:55:09
10 The HPS2002 series led driver is the new generation leddriver products of Weihaw Optoelectronics Co
2009-11-10 14:41:33
28 The HPS1004 series led driver is the new generation leddriver products of Weihaw Optoelectronics Co
2009-11-10 14:46:37
20 IR2011S, high speed high voltage gate driver IC. The design contains protection functionsand house keeping power supplies for ease of use. Th
2009-11-12 15:59:53
48 This paper presents an LED driver circuit consistingof a voltage pre-regulator and multiple linear
2009-11-17 11:03:05
18 The PAM2842 is a high power LED driver,capable of driving up to 10 high power LEDs inseries. The PAM2842 supports buck, boost andsepic topology.
2009-11-19 14:45:27
39 The GR6004 is a high efficiency constant current driver for high brightness LED. The 0.2V reference
2009-12-03 15:48:20
26 The A704 is a PWM high efficiency LED drivercontroller. The LED string is driven at constant curre
2009-12-04 14:05:34
17 The PAM2842 is a high power LED driver, capable of driving up to 10 high power LEDs inseries. The PAM2842 supports buck, boost and sepic topology.
2009-12-04 14:15:12
4 The A718 is a monolithic switching regulator designed to drive high power LEDs with constant
2009-12-04 14:56:35
4 The A723 is a high voltage Boost driver with 8 channels adjustable constant current regulators
2009-12-07 15:46:42
43 The A718 is a monolithic switching regulator designed to drive high power LEDs with constant
2009-12-10 15:55:07
39 Intel Inf Driver.zip
2010-01-26 16:41:48
7 The LM3407 is a constant current output floating buck switchingconverter designed to provide
2010-03-05 11:33:19
Supply Voltage and Current
• Input Voltage: +5Vdc, normal (+4.75
2010-03-26 16:41:32
29 DM13A pdf,16-bit Constant Current LED Driver
DM13A is a constant-current sink driver specifically designed for LED display applications.T
2010-04-14 11:08:47
64 NSI45025T1G pdf,datasheet
Constant Current Regulator & LED Driver45 V, 25 mA 15%, 460 mW
2010-04-16 11:23:51
10 usb driver 2.0
2010-04-20 14:09:53
35 usb driver 3.0
2010-04-20 14:10:44
39 CAT4008 pdf,datasheet
8-Channel Constant Current LED DriverThe CAT4008 is an 8 channel constant
2010-04-21 09:56:50
23 CAT4109 pdf,datasheet
3-Channel Constant-Current RGB LED Driver with Individual PWM DimmingThe
2010-04-22 09:04:32
25 AMC7150,pdf,1.5A POWER LED DRIVER
AMC7150 is a PWM power LED driver IC. The drivingcurrent from
2010-04-24 09:26:05
39 The QX62726 is a 16 bits constant current LED driver with very low dropout voltage (less than
2010-06-12 09:02:30
24 THE QX7135 is a constant current regulator for driving LEDs with low quiescent current and low
2010-08-23 09:44:26
13 The TPS61043 is a high frequency boost converter with constant current output that drives white
2010-10-01 23:50:13
22 The TPS61183 IC provides a highly integrated WLED driver solution for notebook LCD backlight.
2010-10-30 23:01:30
29 The TLC5922 is a 16-channel constant-current sink driver. Each channel has an On/Off state
2010-11-02 23:15:01
18 The TLC5920 is an LED driver incorporating a 16-channel shift register, data latch, and constant
2010-11-02 23:18:55
14 The TLC5911 is a constant current driver incorporating shift register, data latch, and constant
2010-11-02 23:22:27
26 The TLC5905 is a constant current driver that incorporates shift register, data latch, constant
2010-11-02 23:26:41
4 The TLC5921 is a current-sink constant current driver incorporating shift register and data latch.
2010-11-02 23:29:28
31 The TLC5904 is a constant current driver incorporating shift register, data latch, and constant
2010-11-02 23:31:08
The MAX256 is an integrated primary-side controller and H-bridge driver for isolated
2011-01-02 13:32:34
125 I²C and SPI constant current static LED drivers. These techniques can be applied to other I/O expanders with constant current (internally
2009-04-23 14:21:34
Abstract: A white-LED driver based on a DC-DC step-up converter operates on one or two alkaline
2009-04-26 17:17:05
Abstract: This application note describes a circuit that protects an n-channel power MOSFET against
2009-04-29 10:42:46
current-output capability. IC1, a push-pull transformer driver, powers a pair of cross-coupled power MOSFETs in a flip-flop-like configuration. In turn,
2009-04-30 09:01:05
MR-16 LED Driver with a 5V Auxiliary Output to Power a Pulsating LED Cooler
2009-06-30 08:11:34
2019 display-backlight driver. The design uses a boost power supply with ad
2009-07-29 09:51:54
Precision constant-current sink provides wide, close-to-the-rail compliance
2010-08-21 21:10:27
An integrated H-bridge driver for isolated power-supply circuits (MAX256) usually drives
2011-01-02 13:30:55
Several circuit ideas are presented for protecting a boost-converter LED driver when the LEDs
2011-02-02 12:22:04
8 W constant current LED driver which is intended to support the residential power factor requirements of the DoE ENERGY STAR Standard for Solid State
2011-03-14 09:47:03
19 The RT8458 is a PWM controller with an integrated high side floating gate driver. It is used
2011-03-28 16:31:17
78 BP5843A ISOLATED High-power LED Driver for IIIunination
2011-05-04 10:06:19
29 The MAX16841 is an LED driver for AC line (100V, 120V,220V, and 230V AC) input lamps. It features
2011-10-26 11:54:44
42 and gate-driverpower supplies, a high-speed VCOM amplifier, and aemperature sensor.The source-driver power supplies consist of a boostconverter and an
2011-11-13 18:03:01
25 SM2082C single channel LED constant current driver IC.The SM2082C is a single channel LED linear
2015-12-15 11:49:45
8 SM2082D Single Channel LED Constant Current Driver ic.The SM2082D is a single channel LED constant
2015-12-15 11:50:14
9 SM2087 high power factor linear constant current LED driver ic.SM2087 is a high power factor linear
2015-12-15 11:50:38
9 win-driver_2007win-driver_2007win-driver_2007
2015-12-29 10:36:04
1 SM2087英文说明书-SM2087 high power factor linear constant current LED driver
2016-01-18 17:17:01
5 This non-isolated constant current buck LED driver design has been optimized to drive 4 high power
2017-09-11 17:00:31
8 constant current driver for solid state lighting. Optimized for direct LED current sensing
2017-09-12 09:26:48
11 The LinkSwitch-PL family enables a very small and low cost single-stage power factor corrected constant current driver for solid state lighting
2017-09-12 10:22:04
3 The LinkSwitch-PL family enables a very small and low cost single-stage power factor corrected constant current driver for solid state lighting.
2017-09-12 10:24:55
10 智能螺线管驱动器可减小功率损失,Smart solenoid driver reduces power loss
关键字:继电器驱动电路 ,螺线管驱动电路,LM324,继电器驱动电路设计
2018-09-20 18:33:04
686 激光器恒电流驱动电路,constant current laser driver
2018-09-20 19:50:05
1911 AD74413R - Device Driver
2021-01-31 08:47:04
0 SDP USB Driver Installer
2021-01-31 11:59:16
2 LTC2064/LTC6655 Demo Circuit - µPower 16-Bit Data Acquisition with Single-to-Differential Input Driver
2021-02-01 09:24:07
0 Blackfin USB Driver
2021-02-01 10:22:11
1 LTC6258 Demo Circuit - Lower Power LED Driver with Voltage Command
2021-02-05 10:37:14
2 LT3744 Demo Circuit - High Power Synchronous Step-Down LED Driver (5.5-36V to Up to 6V LEDs @ 20A)
2021-02-20 11:40:17
9 LTC6258 Demo Circuit - Lower Power LED Driver with Voltage Command
2021-03-06 11:49:42
0 LTC6362/LTC5599 Demo Circuit - Low-Power I/Q Modulator Driver (Baseband Design)
2021-03-10 13:30:36
0 Signal and Power Integrity-Simplified Second Edition(Eric Bogatin)
1970-01-01 08:00:00
0 View the reference design for AN_Constant Current. http://www.elecfans.com/soft/ has thousands of reference designs to help bring your project to life.
2021-08-23 09:39:57
5 R2J25953SP 数据表 (H-Bridge Control High Speed Power Switching with Built-in Driver IC and Power MOS FET)
2023-04-03 18:43:37
0 Driver的作用是从sequencer中获得数据项,按照接口协议将数据项驱动到总线上。UVM类库提供了uvm_driver基类,所有的Driver类都应该直接或间接地从该类中扩展出来。Driver有一个TLM port,通过它与sequencer进行通信。
2023-05-30 16:17:31
R2J25953SP 数据表 (H-Bridge Control High Speed Power Switching with Built-in Driver IC and Power MOS FET)
2023-07-14 09:44:29
0 电子发烧友网为你提供ADI(ADI)MAX15492: Single-Phase Synchronous MOSFET Driver with Ultra-Low-Power Mode Data
2023-10-16 19:27:21
