原文来自公众号:硬件工程师看海 后台回复:LDO仿真文件 LDO是我们常用的电源解决方案,dropout voltage(压差)是LDO最常见的参数之一,但是并不是所有的工程师都能够正确的设计LDO
2021-04-30 09:55:4714868 基本工作原理,以及其他一些重要的LDO参数,包括PSRR、Dropout Voltage等。 NMOS LDO工作简介 下图是一个NMOS LDO的基本框图,NMOS LDO一般也工作在 饱和
2021-07-19 10:56:2414554 LDO是Low Dropout Regulator的缩写,意思是低压差线性稳压器。
2022-08-11 10:29:395870 LDO,全称低压差线性稳压器(Low Dropout Regulator),属于线性电源,应用时所需要的外接元件较少,一些型号的LDO只需在输入端和输出端各接一个滤波电容。
2022-09-21 09:05:434258 LDO:LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE LDO(是low dropout voltage regulator的缩写)低压差线性稳压器,顾名思义,为线性的稳压器,仅能使用在降压应用中。也就是输出电压必须小于输入电压。
2023-02-03 11:58:03766 管和N型MOS管之分。由MOS管构成的集成电路称为MOS集成电路,由NMOS组成的电路就是NMOS集成电路,由PMOS管组成的电路就是PMOS集成电路,由NMOS和PMOS两种管子组成的互补MOS电路,即CMOS电路。
2023-02-16 17:00:154430 线性电源LDO基础知识(一):压降Dropout Voltage
2023-05-06 14:07:311536 输出电压至少高出2V~3V,否则就不能正常工作,在一些情况下,这样的条件显然是太苛刻了,如5V转3.3V,输入与输出之间的压差只有1.7v。在LDO的各种参数中Dropout Voltage是一个比较
2023-06-14 17:37:233831 满足这个需求。 这个时候就需要我们的超低压差LDO(NMOS构成)来完成这个艰巨的任务了。 在了解超低压差LDO和传统LDO的区别前,我们先简单了解一下PMOS和NMOS的特性差异:NMOS使用的载流子是电子,而PMOS采用的载流子是空穴,就这导致在相同的工艺尺寸下,NMOS的导通电阻更小,
2023-08-28 09:45:37713 LDO是Low Dropout Regulator的缩写,意思是低压差线性稳压器,LDO是用来做什么的?
2024-03-08 15:48:34719 LDO:LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE LDO(是low dropout voltage regulator的缩写,整流器)低压差线性稳压器,故名思意,为线性的稳压器,仅能使用在降压应用中。也就是输出电压必需小于输入电压。
2018-10-18 08:57:3150650 LDO和DC-DC电路LDO:Low Dropout Regulator,低压差线性稳压器,用于将大的直流电压转换成小的直流电压;DC-DC:可以将大电压转成小电压,也可以将小电压转成大电压。...
2021-11-17 07:06:15
LDO:LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE LDO(是low dropout voltage regulator的缩写,整流器)低压差线性稳压器,故名思意,为线性的稳压器,仅能使用在降压应用中
2019-03-15 05:03:46
LDO即low dropout regulator,是一种低压差线性稳压器。这是相对于传统的线性稳压器来说的。传统的线性稳压器,如78XX系列的芯片都要求输入电压要比输出电压至少高出2V~3V,否则
2021-07-30 06:30:30
LDO:LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE LDO(是low dropout voltage regulator的缩写,整流器)低压差线性稳压器,故名思意,为线性的稳压器,仅能使用在降压应用中
2021-07-26 06:23:48
LDO:LDO即low dropout regulator,是一种低压差线性稳压器。这是相对于传统的线性稳压器来说的。传统的线性稳压器,如78XX系列的芯片都要求输入电压要比输出电压至少高出2V
2021-10-29 06:42:28
大时导致效率低且发热量大,只能降压使用等缺点。本篇文章重点介绍LDO相关术语以及一些基本概念。Dropout Voltage(压差)压差(VDROPOUTV_{DROPOUT}VDROPOUT)是指...
2021-11-15 06:24:38
LDO是low dropout regulator,意为低压差线性稳压器,是相对于传统的线性稳压器来说的。传统的线性稳压器,如78xx系列的芯片都要求输入电压要比输出电压高出2v~3V以上,否则
2021-11-16 08:50:30
硬件设计之一——电源设计03:LDO设计LDO概念LDO,low dropout regulator,中文是低压差线性稳压器,它内部的一般结构如下图:用到的元器件也比较简单,一个串联调整管VT,两个
2021-11-11 06:24:37
编写版本:V1.0LDO选型1. LDO描述LDO即low dropout regulator,是一种低压差线性稳压器。这是相对于传统的线性稳压器来说的。传统的线性稳压器,如78XX系列的芯片都要
2021-12-28 07:45:34
2021-10-15 09:09:38
一、DC-DC与LDO的区别LDO低压差线性稳压器(low dropout voltage regulator),仅能使用在降压应用中。也就是输出电压必需小于输入电压。优点:稳定性好,负载响应快
2021-11-16 06:53:25
。。优点:效率高,输入电压范围较宽。缺点:负载响应比LDO差,输出纹波比LDO大。 LDO :LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE低压差线性稳压器,故名思意,为线性的稳压器,仅能使用在
2009-11-14 09:34:11
大的情况下,选择DC/DC,因为其效率高,而LDO会因为压降大而自身损耗很大部分效率;如果压降比较小,选择LDO,因为其噪声低,电源干净,而且外围电路简单,成本低。LDO是low dropout...
2021-11-16 06:54:35
LDO:LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE LDO(是low dropout voltage regulator的缩写,整流器)低压差线性稳压器,为线性的稳压器,仅能使用在降压应用中。也就是输出
2021-11-15 08:39:41
,因为其效率高,而LDO会因为压降大而自身损耗很大部分效率;如果压降比较小,选择LDO,因为其噪声低,电源干净,而且外围电路简单,成本低。LDO是low dropout regu...
2021-11-16 06:18:23
2021-11-15 08:32:50
2021-12-28 08:17:37
上一篇文章介绍了PMOS结构LDO的基本工作原理,今天介绍NMOS LDO的基本工作原理,以及其他一些重要的LDO参数。包括PSRR、Dropout Voltage、Head room等。公众号
2021-12-28 06:42:05
,LDO简单地建模为一个可调电阻,确保当输入电压和负载发生变化时输出电压是稳定的。压差(Dropout Voltage)的定义为:LDO能够支持的额定最大输出电流情况下,最小的输入减输出的电压差。静态
2019-09-19 09:05:04
节电阻器(VIN-VOUT_输出电压恒定。 LDO压降由内部串联通器件的阻抗决定。降低输出电压需要降低电阻_提高成本 。以下为MP20045&MP20048 内部图及PMOS &NMOS 区别;
2019-09-23 09:05:03
的封装耗散功率,那我们就选用最下面的TO 252封装。设计时应留有余量,可以增大散热焊盘或加散热片来达到温度散热以增加功率,这样才不至于烧坏LDO芯片。 压差(Dropout Voltage
2023-04-04 14:52:41
Dropout, LDO)稳压器,是此类应用的理想选择。图 1-1 是基本LDO 系统的框图,标注了相应的电流。从图中可以看出, LDO 由四个主要部分组成:导通晶体管带隙参考源运算放大...
2021-11-10 09:16:05
何谓LDO?何谓LDO?LDO是Low Dropout的缩写,是即使较低的输入输出间电位差也可进行工作的线性稳压器。有时也称为低损耗型线性稳压器或低饱和型线性稳压器。关于LDO的输入输出间电位差并无
2019-05-29 21:43:34
) 为2.5V。在效率计算可近似为Vo/Vin*100%的情况下(忽略 LDO 静态电流 ),电路效率太低!为解决压差过大(功耗过大)而不适合用在低电压转换的问题,出现了LDO(Low Dropout
2019-09-17 09:05:03
LDO工作原理LDO是Low Dropout Regulator的缩写,意思是低压差线性稳压器,下面是LDO的内部框图,大致的工作原理就是:参考电压Vref和反馈电压FB(VOUT通过两个电阻分压
2021-01-22 07:00:00
DC-DC和LDO都是电源芯片,两者差异很大,用法也不同,这篇博客讲述LDO和DC-DC的一些差异,帮助更好的认识LDO和DC-DC并进行选型。1. LDO是什么LDO是low dropout
2021-11-17 07:13:13
) > 2.5V:可以考虑使用PMOS类型的LDOVin(min) > 1.0V:需要使用外加偏置电路或内置电荷泵升压偏置的NMOS型LDOVin(max)对...
2021-11-16 08:43:51
的结果决定了通路晶体管增加或减少导通电流。LDO比较重要的参数包括输入电压、输出电压、降低电压、功耗和PSRR。在选用LDO时,需要注意以下问题: 降低电压(dropout voltage),即输入电压
2022-01-20 07:46:56
Output current: up to 7 A per board (two TPS7A85 LDOs per board)Low-dropout (LDO) voltage: 200 mV (typ
2018-10-01 17:31:19
The MST54XXB series is a high input voltage (45V), low quiescent current (2.1uA), low-dropout
2020-08-10 10:53:45
The TPS737xx family of linear low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses an NMOS pass element
2010-10-09 21:53:557 The TPS736xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-09 21:59:077 The TPS737xx family of linear low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses an NMOS pass element
2010-10-10 19:34:1612 The TPS737xx family of linear low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses an NMOS pass element
2010-10-10 21:06:3815 The TPS737xx family of linear low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses an NMOS pass element
2010-10-10 21:08:1714 The TPS731xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-10 22:14:1324 The TPS731xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-10 22:19:3517 The TPS732xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS pass
2010-10-10 22:21:1618 The TPS737xx family of linear low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses an NMOS pass element
2010-10-11 20:55:2613 The TPS736xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-11 22:41:0210 The TPS736xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:03:5913 The TPS736xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:05:3424 The TPS736xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:10:3112 The TPS736xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:12:4714 The TPS736xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:18:1114 The TPS736xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:19:5920 The TPS732xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS pass
2010-10-12 22:21:5110 The TPS732xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS pass
2010-10-12 22:23:5017 The TPS732xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS pass
2010-10-12 22:25:2112 The TPS732xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS pass
2010-10-12 22:27:4012 The TPS732xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS pass
2010-10-12 22:29:4211 The TPS731xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:34:579 The TPS731xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:36:4920 The TPS731xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:38:508 The TPS731xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:42:1313 The TPS731xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:44:4010 The TPS731xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:46:1021 The TPS731xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-12 22:48:5718 The TPS737xx family of linear low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses an NMOS pass element
2010-10-20 21:22:5911 The TPS736xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-20 21:27:3223 The TPS736xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-20 21:32:2714 The TPS732xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS pass
2010-10-20 22:03:559 The TPS732xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS pass
2010-10-20 22:12:4112 The TPS731xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators uses a new topology: an NMOS
2010-10-20 22:16:0911 The TPS71Hxx integrated circuits are a family of micropower low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators.
2010-10-20 22:53:0610 The TPS71xx integrated circuits are a family of micropower low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators.
2010-10-22 22:32:0013 The TPS71xx integrated circuits are a family of micropower low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators.
2010-10-22 22:41:1413 The TPS71xx integrated circuits are a family of micropower low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators.
2010-10-22 22:56:2448 The TPS71xx integrated circuits are a family of micropower low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators.
2010-10-22 23:15:4117 日本MITSUMI高输出NMOS LDO稳压器MM3501系列支持超低饱和压降。MM3501采用2路输入电源减少了电源转换器的导通电阻,因
2010-12-07 08:54:091388 LDO是指低压差线性稳压器,是low dropout regulator的缩写。LDO是一种线性稳压器。传统的线性稳压器,如78xx系列的芯片都要求输入电压要比输出电压高出2v~3V以上,否则就不能
2012-08-30 08:28:59
The ISL78310 is a low dropout voltage, high-current, single output LDO specified for 1A output
2017-09-15 14:07:0712 本文开始介绍了mos管的结构特点、工作原理和MOS管应用,其次介绍了PMOS管的概念和工作原理,最后介绍了两种判断NMOS管和PMOS管的方法。
2018-04-03 14:12:1827057 LDO:LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE LDO(是 low dropout voltage regulator 的缩写,整流器),低压差线性稳压器,故名思意,为线性的稳压器,仅能使用在降压
2020-12-02 22:18:008 LDO:LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE LDO(是low dropout voltage regulator的缩写,整流器)低压差线性稳压器,为线性的稳压器,仅能使用在降压应用中。也就是输出
2021-11-07 19:36:008 压差大时导致效率低且发热量大,只能降压使用等缺点。本篇文章重点介绍LDO相关术语以及一些基本概念。Dropout Voltage(压差)压差(VDROPOUTV_{DROPOUT}VDROPOUT)是指...
2021-11-08 09:05:5915 DC-DC和LDO都是电源芯片,两者差异很大,用法也不同,这篇博客讲述LDO和DC-DC的一些差异,帮助更好的认识LDO和DC-DC并进行选型。1. LDO是什么LDO是low dropout
2021-11-09 20:51:0813 一文弄懂LDO前言一、LDO是什么?二、 LDO工作原理三、LDO特点1.外围电路简单,价格便宜2.效率较低3.噪声低、纹波小四、LDO选型需考虑的重要参数1.压降(Dropout Voltage
2021-12-03 09:06:0787 上一篇文章介绍了PMOS结构LDO的基本工作原理,今天介绍NMOS LDO的基本工作原理,以及其他一些重要的LDO参数。包括PSRR、Dropout Voltage、Head room等。公众
2022-01-06 11:38:2241 LDO:LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE LDO(是low dropout voltage regulator的缩写,整流器)低压差线性稳压器,故名思意,为线性的稳压器,仅能使用在降压
2022-02-10 11:52:284 PMOS中的空穴迁移率比NMOS中电子的迁移率低,所以为了实现相同的电流输出,我们需要将PMOS的宽度做的是NMOS宽度的2~3倍。
2022-10-31 11:16:116184 LDO线性稳压器是线性降压型电压稳压器中的低饱和(Low Dropout:LDO)型产品,通常被称为“LDO”,是目前线性稳压器的主流产品。
2023-02-23 10:40:581906 具体的在版图设计中PMOS管和NMOS管是什么样子的,我们来看看吧
2023-09-12 10:28:301972 为什么PMOS的闪烁噪声低于NMOS? PMOS和NMOS是两种在集成电路中广泛使用的MOSFET(金属-氧化物-半导体场效应晶体管)类型。在电子设计中,MOSFET有许多优点,如低功耗、高速度
2023-09-20 17:41:311270 PMOS和NMOS是金属-氧化物-半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)的两种类型。 PMOS和NMOS是MOSFET的两种互补型式,也称为CMOS技术,其中C代表互补(Complementary
2023-12-07 09:15:361025 NMOS和PMOS是常见的MOSFET(金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管)的两种类型,它们在电子器件中起到不同的作用。NMOS和PMOS的符号和电路结构差异体现了它们的不同工作原理和特性。接下来,我们
2023-12-18 13:56:221530