2023-03-29 18:52:28
2023-03-29 20:58:13
FIFO and direct reading has been tried. - What is a sensible maximum data rate on a 400 kHz I2C
2019-05-17 16:17:12
window.onerror=function(){return true;};INPUT,TEXTAREA,SELECT,.FCK__Anchorhtml{min-height:100%}.FCK__Flash{border:#a9a9a9 1px solid;background-position:center center;background-image:url(http://www.demi.cn/html/editor/css/images/fck_flashlogo.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;width:80px;height:80px}.FCK__Anchor{border:1px dotted #00F;background-position:center center;background-image:url(http://www.demi.cn/html/editor/css/images/fck_anchor.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;width:16px;height:15px;vertical-align:middle}.FCK__AnchorC{border:1px dotted #00F;background-position:1px center;background-image:url(http://www.demi.cn/html/editor/css/images/fck_anchor.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;padding-left:18px}a[name]{border:1px dotted #00F;background-position:0 center;background-image:url(http://www.demi.cn/html/editor/css/images/fck_anchor.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;padding-left:18px}A dog swimming with a Cheap Moncler Jacket+ Moncler Jacket= The latest
campaign!? ” Im sorry but this campaign sucks! Moncler is not best campaign I saw for
either Weber or MonclerWeber’s happy, cashes $100k and Moncler’s happy… Where
fashion go !? Shot by Bruce Weber – Seriously ?!!So Weber was chilling around
his pool, brainstorming on some ideas, his dog stole the jacket, jump in the
pool with it, he shot it, like it, show it to Moncler, they LOOOVE it and Boom!
Moncler Outlet is the latest
2010-01-26 15:39:00
What Is XML?XML stands for Extensible Markup Language (often written aseXtensibleMarkup Language
2008-10-07 14:21:05
NCP803SN263T1G的技术参数产品型号:NCP803SN263T1G工作电压(V):1.0~5.5复位门限(V):2.630门限滞后(mV):100低电平复位:√(漏极开路)高电平复位:-工作电流典型值(uA):0.5~0.8封装/温度(℃):TSOP-5/-40~105价格/1片(套):¥2.35相关型号:L2A2205 100314QC P6KE24A BAS16LT1G Z0405MF http://www.ic37.info/L2A2205_ic.htm http://www.ic37.info/100314QC_ic.htm http://www.ic37.info/P6KE24A_ic.htm http://www.ic37.info/BAS16LT1G_ic.htm http://www.ic37.info/Z0405MF_ic.htm
2008-09-05 10:04:13
voltage2", what does it mean? Which voltage does it mean in ad9361 board? I appreciate any useful information.
2018-08-03 08:40:45
What is the maximum range one's achieved with CR95HF? I mean the proximity range. Is is possible
2019-07-26 16:38:34
that are used.The GDSII format is a sequential list of records, each record contains a header to tell what
2010-06-07 10:55:32
Satellite Waveform Mode* Question:What is the maximum sampling rate for the GNSS waveforms?
2019-04-28 11:24:27
施加到INT的最大允许电压是多少 引脚(假设漏极开路)? 为什么ST的数据表通常不完整? #h3lis200dl以上来自于谷歌翻译以下为原文 What is the maximum
2018-09-20 09:45:40
是多少? 为什么ST的数据表太糟糕了?这部分已经进入 生产6年。没有理由不记录它。#L3G4200D以上来自于谷歌翻译以下为原文 What is the maximum voltage
2018-09-19 17:39:22
for calibration if necessary) What is the input voltage range? What is the maximum input current? (will I need to buffer the channels)#lis3dsh
2018-09-18 16:40:45
/文档提到这部分?谢谢! 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Sir, I was wondering that what's the maximum SPI Flash that MX695F512L
2019-06-10 09:56:32
2024-03-14 22:18:33
to purchase an analog generator PSG E8257D.I would like to clarify:What is the maximum variation
2019-07-22 07:11:43
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文Hi, what is the drive strength in numbers??? typedef enum CyU3PDriveStrengthState_t
2019-01-30 10:20:52
S6AE102A/S6AE103A PMCS的VOUT 1和VOUT2引脚最大输出电流限值是多少?我无法在数据表中获取这些信息。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文What
2018-10-09 11:20:33
Skechers in the house. "What do Ch his eyes looked dazed Chueh-hui, then whispered
2010-10-11 14:40:07
is increasing if I decrease PCLK frequency. Is this true? If yes what is the maximum value of tCFLG at 100 MHz? Regards,
2019-05-15 11:17:34
UGGs are hot. What's hotter than UGGs? China, ever because its opening in the direction
2010-11-30 10:13:35
激光的最大输出功率是多少? 问候,米以上来自于谷歌翻译以下为原文 what is the maximum output power for laser? Regards, m
2019-05-17 12:40:50
VXA测量应用程序中同步字的最大搜索长度是多少? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文What is the maximum search length for sync word in VXA measurement application?
2019-03-06 12:49:03
want to connect 6mA load (LED) between VADJ (2.5V) and GPIO pin. Is it possible on Zynq 7020?What is the maximum current on GPIO pin on Zynq?Thanks.
2019-03-11 12:50:20
bytes) exceeds the maximum allowed for this version of the linker.具體如圖:求前輩指點該怎麼解決程序大小的限制!不甚感激!!!
2016-04-17 18:10:54
你好,什么是SPARTAN 6的最大频率MCB_cmd_clk MCB_rd_clkMCB_wr_clk。未在ds162中找到频率范围。问候,托马斯以上来自于谷歌翻译以下为原文Hello, what
2019-05-24 06:22:20
is, what can be maximum frequency which I can send from FPGA to other board single ended. What is the threshold(MHz) to use differential clock?
2019-04-10 06:37:07
fanout. Can anyone explain what is meant by replicating the source? Also there is an option to set
2018-10-10 11:50:47
, I want to identify the Maximum Block Delay, so that i can infer the Maximum Clock frequency
2019-02-26 10:15:03
overhead. 2 questions:1.) What is the maximum speed that I can expect to be able to transfer data
2019-07-08 06:23:28
am going to drive it with a DAC with maximum output voltage above 1V. I would avoid to insert
2018-10-08 11:41:08
/ CC吗?如果在提供1伏电压的情况下将10k欧姆电阻连接到端子上会发生什么?任何反馈都会非常感激 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文What exactly does this mean? Most
2019-04-02 14:07:35
maximum remote read request size 是256字节
而DEV_STAT_CTRL寄存器中bit[14:12] MAX_REQ_SZ
2018-06-21 13:08:26
? Or this parameter set maximum and not set minimum time? What is minimum? Thanks
2019-07-29 09:32:44
hello, is it posible to get the acctual temperatur oft the NWA? im connected to the NWA with DCOM
2018-12-13 16:52:01
that the manufacturer provides telling you? the typical device performance? minimum and maximum
2009-12-23 09:50:39
以下为原文I am using PIC16F866. I want to generate minimum 10HZ to Maximum 10 Khz pulses. I can do
2018-12-14 16:39:19
和最大值是不同的还是相同的?最好的,史蒂夫 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文We are wondering how the minimum and maximum advertisement value
2018-10-12 16:05:36
最近设计了一款多bit DSM ADC。在Simulink中通过优化NTF带外增益,将maximum input amplitude做到了-2dB左右。但是实际电路中,仿真测试maximum
2021-06-24 07:19:56
on the output of the 6744B power supply module and haven't been able to find anything. What
2019-06-24 08:43:22
您好,BM64允许的SysPipe最大电流负载是多少?在移动IoT ID上,使用这个电源输出引脚来为外部MCU和其他外围设备供电。谢谢。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, What
2019-01-04 15:14:06
running the processor at a speed of 67MHz i.e maximum CPU speed. what maximum speed a gpio pin can operate without loosing data? Please guide. regards.
2019-06-21 06:43:45
嗨,谁能告诉我这个部件的输入引脚(不是Vcc)上的最大电压是多少?先谢谢你。问候,坦率以上来自于谷歌翻译以下为原文 Hi,Can anyone tell me what the maximum
2019-06-24 10:25:33
switching limit and setup problems. So my question: what ist the maximum switching and setup limit for these component? Thanks for answer Tony
2019-06-18 09:15:19
In the Xilinx software symbol library, the maximum number of inputs for AND and OR gates is 9. What
2019-02-18 13:32:24
What is digital video?
2008-08-04 15:29:02
0 What is digital video?
2008-08-04 15:29:03
36 operational amplifiershaving specifications about a factor of ten better thanFET amplifiers over their operating temperatur
2008-09-06 00:56:28
34 But what about feedback systems that lie in between these clear opposites? What about, for example
2009-05-27 14:31:04
18 temperature measurementapplications. The relatively high temperature coefficient ofabout –2mV/°C is fairly linear. To make a temperatur
2009-06-03 14:43:20
50 temperature measurementapplications. The relatively high temperature coefficient ofabout –2mV/°C is fairly linear. To make a temperatur
2009-06-11 08:41:44
54 What is an LFSR,什么是LFSR
Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products
2009-06-14 09:10:53
31 What It Me
2009-06-29 16:13:09
6 CHAPTER 1 THE BIG PICTURE 11. What is a chip? 12. What are the requirements of a successful chip
2009-07-22 11:52:05
0 CHAPTER 1 THE BIG PICTURE 11. What is a chip? 12. What are the requirements of a successful chip
2009-07-22 11:54:44
0 What It Me
2009-11-26 10:16:28
36 ESD Protection Design Seminar: What is ESD? What damage can it cause? Why is the problem
2009-11-26 10:17:30
16 The generally accepted definition of electrical currentis "the flow of electrons." But some people criticize thisdefinition on the basis that: (1) it cannot explain howcurrent (a signal) flows at the speed of light, (2) itc
2010-01-15 09:15:37
0 Impedance Terminations -What’s the Value:There is a lot of confusion in the industry about
2010-01-15 09:16:29
0 Differential Impedance--What’s the Difference?:Just when you thought you had mastered Zo
2010-01-15 10:21:47
0 at almost null cost. How this is possible, what systems are used, what is the standard, all that is covered by this Howt
2010-04-23 18:05:00
12 Requiring no external components, the TMP121 and TMP123 are capable of measuring temperatures within 2°C of accuracy over a temperatur
2010-05-31 14:18:20
20 What is voltage stability?
Recently lEEE/CIGRE task force [1] proposed various definitions
2008-11-03 21:14:55
1385 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/71/wKgZomUMNDqACkSmAABW0Y8jug4837.jpg)
2009-04-18 10:49:44
2183 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C5/wKgZomUMNZyABiOzAAAjleZDhBw838.gif)
in a classic FAQ format it addresses topics such as: What is an ADC, what is a DAC, what is nyquist, effects of charge injection, techniques f
2009-05-08 09:18:13
5566 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/DD/wKgZomUMNgGAJ9GRAAAkIXWuXaY084.gif)
什么是LFSR,What is an LFSR?
The purpose of this article is to explain what a Linear Feedback Shift
2009-05-14 11:42:37
2408 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/E7/wKgZomUMNiSASdPnAAB1j88cZIA210.jpg)
What is NI Ultiboard?什么是Ultiboard?
National Instruments Electronics Workbench GroupThe National Instruments Electronics Workbench Group (for
2009-07-01 07:47:47
3328 ADG1421:2.1 Ω Maximum On Resistance, ±15 V/+12/±5 V iCMOS Dual SPST Switches
The ADG1421/ADG1422
2009-10-31 11:37:59
791 ADG1422: 2.1 Ω Maximum On Resistance, ±15 V/+12/±5 V iCMOS Dual SPST Switches
The ADG1421
2009-10-31 11:41:48
649 ADG1423: 2.1 Ω Maximum On Resistance, ±15 V/+12/±5 V iCMOS Dual SPST Switches
The ADG1421
2009-10-31 11:44:28
627 What is Soldermask? 什么是绿油
The normally green coating used to protect the board and circuitry
2009-12-29 09:20:04
1836 What is the minimum space between a pair of tracks on a PCB that could be manufactured?
2009-12-29 09:24:25
785 What is the copper plating thickness?
Solution 1 ounce copper is 1.3 to 2.0 Mil thick2 ounce copper is 2.6 to 4.0 Mil thick
2009-12-29 09:26:26
Problem What range of dielectric constants you could be realize with your PCB materials? 
2009-12-29 09:26:53
668 什么是maximum DSL speeds
英文缩写: maximum DSL speeds
中文译名: 最高DSL速率
2010-02-23 09:51:57
787 What is eSATA?
External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment or eSATA is an external interface
2010-03-25 11:12:56
1276 What Is a Data Bus?
A data bus is a computer subsystem that allows for the transferring of data
2010-03-25 11:14:32
1963 What is an SCSI Hard Drive?
A SCSI hard drive is a storage drive which uses a different system
2010-03-25 11:15:03
1548 What is UATA?
In computers, Ultra Advanced Technology Attachment (UATA) is a term used to describe
2010-03-25 11:15:36
937 What Is a Portable Hard Drive?
A portable hard drive is a type of digital storage device.
2010-03-25 11:16:03
1326 What Is Portable Digital Storage?
Portable digital storage is a storage solution which is designed
2010-03-25 11:16:34
856 What the Internet of Things (IoT) Needs to Become a Reality,Freescale发布的IOT白皮书!
2015-10-30 17:04:40
7 1 What? iphone还可以变成桌面现实游乐场! 出门在外突然想玩桌游,却又不太方便?没关系,现在新出现一种AR平台ToneTree OAK基座,只要把你的iphone放在这个基座上面,然后去体验多个不同的AR工具包,就可以打游戏、体验空中飞行感觉、播放音乐等等
2016-11-08 13:59:11
751 be absolutely clear in what were talking about. The standard definition of percent error is genera
2017-04-11 10:04:59
3 The TSPD or Thyristor Surge Protection Device are specialized silicon based overvoltage protectors, used to protect sensitive electronic circuits from damaging overvoltage transient surges caused by induced lightning and powercross conditions. The TSPD protects by switching to a low on state voltage when the specified protection voltage is exceeded. This is known as a crowbar effect. When an overvoltage occurs, the crowbar device changes from a highimpedance to a lowimpedance state. This lowimpedance state then offers a path to ground, shunting unwanted surges away from the sensitive cir
2017-04-11 10:13:29
32 Cost is the driving factor for much of what we do. Wally Schirra, the fifth American launched
2017-09-14 14:24:29
9 What-If工具功能强大,可以使用Facets自动显示数据集,从数据集手动编辑示例并查看更改的效果,还能自动生成部分依赖图(partial dependence plots),显示模型的预测结果随任何单个功能的更改而变化的情况。
2018-09-24 08:54:00
2240 What-If工具有多种功能,包括用Facets自动对你的数据集进行可视化、从数据集中手动编辑样本的能力以及观察这些变化带来的影响、并且自动生成partial dependence plots,展示模型的预测是如何随着单一特征的变化而变化的。接下来就是对这两种特征的详细介绍。
2018-09-24 08:57:00
2932 What-If 工具拥有各种功能,包括使用 Facets 自动可视化数据集、手动编辑数据集示例并查看相关更改的影响,以及自动生成局部依赖图(显示模型的预测结果如何随任何单个功能的更改而变化)。下面详细探索其中两项功能。
2018-10-11 11:31:05
3651 AD5751: Industrial I/V Output Driver, Single-Supply, 55 V Maximum Supply, Programmable Ranges Data Sheet
2021-01-28 15:23:30
1 AD7380/AD7381: What oversampling method is best for an application?
2021-02-02 09:23:09
5 AD7380/AD7381: What are the pros and cons of a Serial 2 wire mode and serial 1 wire mode?
2021-02-02 09:24:09
14 to communicate with computer. Here we will learn what is C and C++ programming languages and what are the dif...
2021-11-23 17:51:28
20 问题:Error[Lp004]: actual size (0x100) exceeds maximum size (0x80) for block “INTVEC”在icf文件中,INTVEC块确定定义为0...
2021-12-27 18:32:04
8 给定一个整数数组 nums ,找到一个具有最大和的连续子数组(子数组最少包含一个元素),返回其最大和。
2023-03-01 11:26:49