Microchip 公司的PIC32 32位MCU是基于MIPS 的80 MHz 高性能 32 位闪存单片机, 具有带5 级流水线的MIPS32® M4K™ 32 位内核, 工作电压范围为2.3V 至3.6V,提供各种通用和专用的外设,包括以太网,CAN,USB主/设备/OTG,闪存32KB到512KB,板载RAM从8KB到128KB.本文主哟介绍PIC32 MCU主要特性,方框图,以及PIC32 (通用) 入门套件, IC32 USB入门套件II和PIC32 以太网入门套件主要特性与开发板的详细电路图.
The PIC32 MCU is a family of 32-bit Microcontrollers designed for best-in-class 32-bit performance and accompanied by a vast offering of software. Since its introduction in 2007, the PIC32 family has established itself as a performance leader stemming from the highest DMIPs/MHz rated MIPS® M4K® core, highly efficient internal bus architecture, and advanced instruction caching. The 5 families of PIC32 MCUs offer a range of general purpose and integrated connectivity peripherals including Ethernet, CAN, and USB host/device/On-The-Go. Integrated flash memory ranges from 32K to 512K and on-board RAM ranges from 8k to 128k.
The PIC32 family is supported by Microchips MPLAB® development environment and well-known industry tools and software providers. Microchip customers benefit from the extensive offering of free software libraries, commonly available in source code form, such as graphics, TCP/IP, USB, encryption, file systems, and digital signal processing software. Most software stacks are compatible across numerous Microchip microcontroller and digital signal processor families. The MPLAB development environment spans the entire Microchip portfolio of over 600 Microcontrollers thus enabling you to use a single tool chain from the lowest cost 8-bit MCU to the highest performing and largest memory PIC32 MCU.
PIC32MX3XX/4XX是基于MIPS 的80 MHz 高性能 32 位闪存单片机
高性能32 位RISC CPU:
• 带5 级流水线的MIPS32® M4K™ 32 位内核
• 最高80 MHz 的频率
• 零等待状态闪存访问时性能为 1.56 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1)
• 单周期乘法单元和高性能除法单元
• MIPS16e™ 模式可使代码压缩最多40%
• 两组各32 个32 位内核文件寄存器,可减少中断延 时
• 预取高速缓存模块可加速从闪存的执行速度
• 工作电压范围为2.3V 至3.6V
• 32 KB 至512 KB 的闪存(附加一个12 KB 的引导 闪存)
• 8 KB 至32 KB 的SRAM 存储器
• 引脚与大部分PIC24/dsPIC® 器件兼容
• 多种功耗管理模式
• 多个具有独立可编程优先级的中断向量
• 故障保护时钟监视器模式
• 带有片内低功耗RC 振荡器的可配置看门狗定时器,确保器件可靠工作
• 可在选择外设寄存器上执行原子级置1、清零和翻转操作
• 最多4 路通道的硬件DMA 且具有自动数据大小检测功能
• 支持符合USB 2.0 规范的全速设备和OTG(On-The-Go)控制器
• USB 有专用DMA 通道
• 10 MHz 至40 MHz 的晶振
• 内部8 MHz 和32 kHz 振荡器
• 为CPU 和USB 时钟分别提供独立的PLL
• 2 个I2C™ 模块
• 配有以下项的2 个UART 模块:
- 支持RS-232、RS-485 和LIN 1.2
- 带片内硬件编码器和解码器的IrDA®
• 带8 位和16 位数据线以及最多16 条地址线的并行主/ 从端口(Parallel Master and SlavePort, PMP/PSP)
• 硬件实时时钟/ 日历(Hardware Real-Time Clock/Calendar, RTCC)
• 5 个16 位定时器/ 计数器(两个16 位定时器对组合可构成两个32 位定时器)
• 5 路捕捉输入
• 5 路比较/PWM 输出
• 5 个外部中断引脚
• 可在最高80 MHz 时翻转的高速I/O 引脚
• 所有I/O 引脚上的高拉/ 灌电流(18 mA/18 mA)
• 数字I/O 引脚上的可配置漏极开路输出
• 2 个编程和调试接口:
- 双线接口,可与应用程序进行非抢占式访问和实时数据交换
- 4线MIPS® 标准增强型JTAG 接口
• 基于硬件的非抢占式指令跟踪
• 符合IEEE 标准1149.2(JTAG)的边界扫描特性
• 最多16 路通道的10 位模数转换器:
- 转换速率为1000 ksps
- 可在休眠和空闲模式下进行转换
• 2 个模拟比较器
• 输入引脚可承受5V 电压
PIC32 入门套件
图2. PIC32 入门套件外形图
This document describes how to use the PIC32 (General Purpose) Starter Kit, PIC32 USB Starter Kit II, and the PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit (all also referred to as “starter kit”)as a development tool to emulate and debug firmware on a target board.
1. PIC32 (通用) 入门套件
The PIC32 Starter Kit contains the following items:
• PIC32 Starter Kit Board
• USB Mini-B cable
• PIC32 Starter Kit Installation CD-ROM
The board includes these key features, as indicated in the diagram:
1. PIC32MX360F512L 32-bit microcontroller.
2. Green power indicator LED.
3. Regulated +3.3V power supply for powering the starter kit board via USB or expansion board.
4. On-board crystal for precision microcontroller clocking (8 MHz).
5. USB connectivity for on-board debugger communications.
6. PIC18LF4550 USB microcontroller for on-board debugging.
7. Orange Debug indicator LED.
8. Three push-button switches for user-defined inputs.
9. Three user-defined indicator LEDs.
10. Connector for connecting various expansion boards (on the underside of board).
2. PIC32 USB入门套件II
The PIC32 USB Starter Kit II contains the following items:
• PIC32 USB Starter Kit II Development Board
• USB Mini-B to full-sized A cable – USB debug cable to debug and power the board
• USB Micro-B to full-sized A cable – PIC32 USB cable to communicate with the PIC32 USB port
3. PIC32 以太网入门套件
The PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit contains the following items:
• PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit development board
• USB Mini-B to full-sized A cable – USB debug cable to debug and power the board
• USB Micro-B to full-sized A cable – PIC32 USB cable to communicate with the PIC32 USB port
• RJ-45 CAT5 Ethernet patch cable – Ethernet CAT5 cable to communicate with the PIC32 Ethernet port
图3.PIC32 (通用) 入门套件开发板方框图
图4.PIC32 (通用) 入门套件电路图(1): PIC32MX CPU
图5.PIC32 (通用) 入门套件电路图(2): PIC18LF4550 DEBUG CPU
图6.PIC32 (通用) 入门套件电路图(3):应用板连接器
图7.PIC32 (通用) 入门套件电路图(4):开关和LED
图8.PIC32 (通用) 入门套件电路图(5):电源
图9.PIC32 USB 入门套件开发板方框图
图9.PIC32 USB 入门套件II电路图(1)
图10.PIC32 USB 入门套件II电路图(2)
图11.PIC32 USB 入门套件II电路图(3)
图12.PIC32 以太网入门套件方框图
图13.PIC32 以太网入门套件方框图(以太网)
图14.PIC32 以太网入门套件方框图(PIC32器件)
图15.PIC32 以太网入门套件方框图(USB主和OTG电源)
图16.PIC32 以太网入门套件方框图(调试器)
图17.PIC32 以太网入门套件方框图(3.3V电源)
图18.PIC32 以太网入门套件方框图(应用板连接器)