matlab图像处理程序:% Script file: c14_date.m
% Purpose:
% To calculate the age of an organic sample from the percentage
% of the original carbon 14 remaining in the sample.
% Record of revisions:
% Date Programmer Description of change
% ==== ========== =====================
% 12/02/97 S. J. Chapman Original code
% Define variables:
% age -- The age of the sample in years
% lamda -- The radioactive decay constant for carbon-14,
% in units of 1/years.
% percent -- The percentage of carbon 14 remaining at the time
% of the measurement
% ratio -- The ratio of the carbon 14 remaining at the time
% of the measurement to the original amount of
% carbon 14.
% Set decay constant for carbon-14
lamda = 0.00012097;
% Prompt the user for the percentage of C-14 remaining.
percent = input('Enter the percentage of carbon 14 remaining:\n');
(12) 100%
(0) 0%