大小:433 人气: 2010-02-08 需要积分:0
% S = SIMULATEDANNEALING(inputcities,initial_temperature,cooling_rate)
% returns the new configuration of cities with an optimal solution for the
% traveling salesman problem for n cities.
%The input arguments are
% INPUTCITIES - The cordinates for n cities are represented as 2
% rows and n columns and is passed as an argument for
% INITIAL_TEMPERATURE - The initial temperature to start the
% simulatedannealing process.
% COOLING_RATE - Cooling rate for the simulatedannealing process.
% Cooling rate should always be less than one.
% THRESHOLD - Threshold is the stopping criteria and it is the
% acceptable distance for n cities.
% NUMBEROFCITIESTOSWAP- Specify the maximum number of pair of cities to
% swap. As temperature decreases the number of cities
% to be swapped decreases and eventually reaches one
% pair of cities.
(10) 83.3%
(2) 16.7%