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firefly 来源:firefly 作者:firefly 2019-10-28 19:22 次阅读
ADB 使用

adb,全称 Android Debug Bridge,是 Android 的命令行调试工具,可以完成多种功能,如跟踪系统日志,上传下载文件,安装应用等。


Firefly-RK3288/Firefly-RK3288-Reload 默认是打开USB调试选项。如果需要在关闭或打开USB调试选项,可以 在设置->关于设备->版本号(点击7次后),然后返回到上一层,可以看到开发者选项,然后点击进入进行设置, 使用Micro USB OTG 线连接设备和主机进行连接。

Windows下的 ADB 安装

首先参照安装 RK USB 驱动一节安装好驱动。 然后到 http://adbshell.com/download/download-adb-for-windows.html 下载 adb.zip,解压到 C:\adb 以方便调用。 打开命令行窗口,输入:

cd C:\adb adb shell

如果一切正常,就可以进入adb shell,在设备上面运行命令。

Ubuntu 下的 ADB 安装
  • 安装 adb 工具:
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb
  • 加入设备标识:
mkdir -p ~/.android vi ~/.android/adb_usb.ini # 添加以下一行 0x2207
  • 加入 udev 规则:
sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules # 添加以下一行: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2207", MODE="0666"
  • 重新插拔 USB 线,或运行以下命令,让 udev 规则生效:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules sudo udevadm trigger
  • 重新启动 adb 服务器
sudo adb kill-server adb start-server
常用 ADB 命令
  • 列出所有连接设备及其序列号
adb devices
  • 如果有多个连接设备,则需要使用序列号来区分:
export ANDROID_SERIAL=<设备序列号> adb shell ls
  • 可以通过网络来连接 adb:
# 让设备端的 adbd 重启,并在 TCP 端口 5555 处监听 adb tcpip 5555 # 此时可以断开 USB 连接 # 远程连接设备,设备的 IP 地址是 adb connect # 断开连接 adb disconnect

获取系统日志 adb logcat

  • 用法
adb logcat [选项] [应用标签]
  • 示例
# 查看全部日志 adb logcat # 仅查看部分日志 adb logcat -s WifiStateMachine StateMachine
运行命令 adb shell

adb bugreport 用于错误报告,里面包含大量有用的信息

adb bugreport # 保存到本地,方便用编辑器查看 adb bugreport >bugreport.txt
安装应用 adb install
  • 用法:
adb install [选项] 应用包.apk 选项包括: -l forward-lock -r 重新安装应用,保留原先数据 -s 安装到 SD 卡上,而不是内部存储
  • 示例:
# 安装 facebook.apk adb install facebook.apk # 升级 twitter.apk adb install -r twitter.apk

如果安装成功,工具会返回成功提示 “Success”;失败的话,一般是以下几种情况

  • INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS: 此时需要用 -r 参数来重新安装。
  • INSTALL_FAILED_SIGNATURE_ERROR: 应用的签名不一致,可能是发布版和调试版签名不同所致。如果确认 APK 文件签名正常,可以用 adb uninstall 命令先卸载旧的应用,然后再安装。
卸载应用 adb uninstall
  • 用法:
adb uninstall 应用包名称
  • 示例:
adb uninstall com.android.chrome 应用包名称可以用以下命令列出: adb shell pm list packages -f 运行结果是: package:/system/app/Bluetooth.apk=com.android.bluetooth 前面是 apk 文件,后面则是对应的包名称。
命令行帮助信息 adb help
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31 -a - directs adb to listen on all interfaces for a connection -d - directs command to the only connected USB device returns an error if more than one USB device is present. -e - directs command to the only running emulator. returns an error if more than one emulator is running. -s <specific device> - directs command to the device or emulator with the given serial number or qualifier. Overrides ANDROID_SERIAL environment variable. -p <product name or path> - simple product name like 'sooner', or a relative/absolute path to a product out directory like 'out/target/product/sooner'. If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT environment variable is used, which must be an absolute path. -H - Name of adb server host (default: localhost) -P - Port of adb server (default: 5037) devices [-l] - list all connected devices ('-l' will also list device qualifiers) connect <host>[:<port>] - connect to a device via TCP/IP Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified. disconnect [<host>[:<port>]] - disconnect from a TCP/IP device. Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified. Using this command with no additional arguments will disconnect from all connected TCP/IP devices. device commands: adb push [-p] <local> <remote> - copy file/dir to device ('-p' to display the transfer progress) adb pull [-p] [-a] <remote> [<local>] - copy file/dir from device ('-p' to display the transfer progress) ('-a' means copy timestamp and mode) adb sync [ <directory> ] - copy host->device only if changed (-l means list but don't copy) (see 'adb help all') adb shell - run remote shell interactively adb shell <command> - run remote shell command adb emu <command> - run emulator console command adb logcat [ <filter-spec> ] - View device log adb forward --list - list all forward socket connections. the format is a list of lines with the following format: <serial> " " <local> " " <remote> "\n" adb forward <local> <remote> - forward socket connections forward specs are one of: tcp:<port> localabstract:<unix domain socket name> localreserved:<unix domain socket name> localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name> dev:<character device name> jdwp:<process pid> (remote only) adb forward --no-rebind <local> <remote> - same as 'adb forward ' but fails if <local> is already forwarded adb forward --remove <local> - remove a specific forward socket connection adb forward --remove-all - remove all forward socket connections adb jdwp - list PIDs of processes hosting a JDWP transport adb install [-l] [-r] [-d] [-s] [--algo <algorithm name> --key <hex-encoded key> --iv <hex-encoded iv>] <file> - push this package file to the device and install it ('-l' means forward-lock the app) ('-r' means reinstall the app, keeping its data) ('-d' means allow version code downgrade) ('-s' means install on SD card instead of internal storage) ('--algo', '--key', and '--iv' mean the file is encrypted already) adb uninstall [-k] <package> - remove this app package from the device ('-k' means keep the data and cache directories) adb bugreport - return all information from the device that should be included in a bug report. adb backup [-f <file>] [-apk|-noapk] [-obb|-noobb] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|-nosystem] [<packages...>] - write an archive of the device's data to . If no -f option is supplied then the data is written to "backup.ab" in the current directory. (-apk|-noapk enable/disable backup of the .apks themselves in the archive; the default is noapk.) (-obb|-noobb enable/disable backup of any installed apk expansion (aka .obb) files associated with each application; the default is noobb.) (-shared|-noshared enable/disable backup of the device's shared storage / SD card contents; the default is noshared.) (-all means to back up all installed applications) (-system|-nosystem toggles whether -all automatically includes system applications; the default is to include system apps) (<packages...> is the list of applications to be backed up. If the -all or -shared flags are passed, then the package list is optional. Applications explicitly given on the command line will be included even if -nosystem would ordinarily cause them to be omitted.) adb restore <file> - restore device contents from the <file> backup archive adb help - show this help message adb version - show version num scripting: adb wait-for-device - block until device is online adb start-server - ensure that there is a server running adb kill-server - kill the server if it is running adb get-state - prints: offline | bootloader | device adb get-serialno - prints: <serial-number> adb get-devpath - prints: <device-path> adb status-window - continuously print device status for a specified device adb remount - remounts the /system partition on the device read-write adb reboot [bootloader|recovery] - reboots the device, optionally into the bootloader or recovery program adb reboot-bootloader - reboots the device into the bootloader adb root - restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions adb usb - restarts the adbd daemon listening on USB adb tcpip <port> - restarts the adbd daemon listening on TCP on the specified port networking: adb ppp <tty> [parameters] - Run PPP over USB. Note: you should not automatically start a PPP connection. <tty> refers to the tty for PPP stream. Eg. dev:/dev/omap_csmi_tty1 [parameters] - Eg. defaultroute debug dump local notty usepeerdns adb sync notes: adb sync [ <directory> ] <localdir> can be interpreted in several ways: - If <directory> is not specified, both /system and /data partitions will be updated. - If it is "system" or "data", only the corresponding partition is updated. environmental variables: ADB_TRACE - Print debug information. A comma separated list of the following values 1 or all, adb, sockets, packets, rwx, usb, sync, sysdeps, transport, jdwp ANDROID_SERIAL - The serial number to connect to. -s takes priority over this if given. ANDROID_LOG_TAGS - When used with the logcat option, only these debug tags are printed.

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  • 嵌入式主板






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  • Firefly






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    发表于 06-30 10:39

    VS-RK3399 和VS-RK3288W 主板Linux adb 工具资料分享

    VS-RK3399 和VS-RK3288W 主板Linux adb 工具资料下载:
    发表于 07-27 15:11


    发表于 03-04 07:53


    Firefly-RK3288 是一个高性能平台,它拥有强大的多线程运算能力、图形处理能力以及硬件解码能力,支持 Android 4.4 和 Ubuntu 双系统,也是一台强大的微型
    发表于 10-10 07:35


    Firefly-RK3288 的标准套装包含以下配件:   Firefly-RK3288 主板一块   WiFi 天线   亚克力
    的头像 发表于 11-11 16:04 4633次阅读
    <b class='flag-5'>Firefly-RK3288</b>--教程


    外壳 Firefly-RK3288 CAD图
    的头像 发表于 11-25 10:14 1269次阅读
    <b class='flag-5'>Firefly-RK3288</b>--外壳


    Firefly-RK3288 开发板内置 5 路 UART,分别为 uart0,uart1,uart2,uart3,uart4。 uart0 为 uart_bt,用于蓝牙传输。
    的头像 发表于 11-25 10:27 3061次阅读
    <b class='flag-5'>Firefly-RK3288</b>开发板<b class='flag-5'>介绍</b>


    Firefly-RK3288 开发板上有 4 路 PWM 输出,分别为 PWM0 ~ PWM3, 本章主要描述如何配置 PWM。
    的头像 发表于 11-25 10:31 2336次阅读

    Firefly-RK3288MIPI CSI接口介绍

    Firefly-RK3288 开发板带有一个 MIPI 摄像头接口,图像处理能力达到 4416x3312 像素,支持 4K 视频录制。此外,开发板还支持 USB 摄像头。 本文以 OV13850 摄像头为例,讲解在该开发板上的配置过程。 相关代码目录
    的头像 发表于 11-25 10:38 1w次阅读
    <b class='flag-5'>Firefly-RK3288</b>MIPI CSI接口<b class='flag-5'>介绍</b>

    Firefly-RK3288 LED介绍

    Firefly-RK3288 开发板上有 2 个 LED 灯
    的头像 发表于 11-25 10:39 2609次阅读
    <b class='flag-5'>Firefly-RK3288</b> LED<b class='flag-5'>介绍</b>


    Firefly-RK3288/Firefly-RK3288-Reload开发板上使用红外收发传感器 IR (在 USB OTG 接口和音频接口之间)实现遥控功能。
    的头像 发表于 11-26 17:10 2932次阅读
    <b class='flag-5'>Firefly-RK3288</b>--IR<b class='flag-5'>主板</b><b class='flag-5'>介绍</b>


    Firefly-RK3288 开发板上有 6 个片上 I2C 控制器。本文主要描述如何在该开发板上配置 I2C。
    的头像 发表于 11-26 17:00 2791次阅读
    <b class='flag-5'>Firefly-RK3288</b>--I2C<b class='flag-5'>主板</b>的使用<b class='flag-5'>介绍</b>


    Firefly-RK3288-Reload 开发板带有一个 DVP 摄像头接口。 本文以 OV5640 摄像头为例,讲解在该开发板上的配置过程。
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    <b class='flag-5'>Firefly-RK3288</b>--DVP开发板<b class='flag-5'>介绍</b>


    RK3288 有灵活的启动方式。一般情况下,除非硬件损坏,Firefly-RK3288 开发板是不会变砖的。
    的头像 发表于 11-27 09:14 6742次阅读
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    发表于 09-15 16:12 3次下载
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