在通常的modelsim波形仿真中,状态机的显示为16进制,如 3‘h1。如下图所示str_cur为状态跳变信号。
virtual typevirtual function
//vending-machine// 2 yuan for a bottle of drink// only 2 coins supported: 5 jiao and 1 yuan// finish the function of selling and changing
module vending_machine ( input clk , input rstn , input [1:0] coin , //01 for 0.5 jiao, 10 for 1 yuan
output [1:0] change , output sell //output the drink );
//machine state decode parameter IDLE = 3‘d0 ; parameter GET05 = 3’d1 ; parameter GET10 = 3‘d2 ; parameter GET15 = 3’d3 ;
//machine variable reg [2:0] st_cur ;
//(1) using one state-variable do describe reg [1:0] change_r ; reg sell_r ; always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin if (!rstn) begin st_cur 《= ‘b0 ; change_r 《= 2’b0 ; sell_r 《= 1‘b0 ; end else begin case(st_cur)
IDLE: begin change_r 《= 2’b0 ; sell_r 《= 1‘b0 ; case (coin) 2’b01: st_cur 《= GET05 ; 2‘b10: st_cur 《= GET10 ; endcase end GET05: begin case (coin) 2’b01: st_cur 《= GET10 ; 2‘b10: st_cur 《= GET15 ; endcase end
GET10: case (coin) 2’b01: begin st_cur 《= GET15 ; end 2‘b10: begin st_cur 《= IDLE ; sell_r 《= 1’b1 ; end endcase
GET15: case (coin) 2‘b01: begin st_cur 《= IDLE ; sell_r 《= 1’b1 ; end 2‘b10: begin st_cur 《= IDLE ; change_r 《= 2’b1 ; sell_r 《= 1‘b1 ; end endcase
default: begin st_cur 《= IDLE ; end
endcase // case (st_cur) end // else: !if(!rstn) end
assign sell = sell_r ; assign change = change_r ;
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb_vending_machine;
reg clk; reg rstn ; reg [1:0] coin ; wire [1:0] change ; wire sell ;
//clock generating parameter CYCLE_200MHz = 10 ; // always begin clk = 0 ; #(CYCLE_200MHz/2) ; clk = 1 ; #(CYCLE_200MHz/2) ; end
//motivation generating reg [9:0] buy_oper ; //store state of the buy operation initial begin buy_oper = ’h0 ; coin = 2‘h0 ; rstn = 1’b0 ; #8 rstn = 1‘b1 ; @(negedge clk) ;
//case(1) 0.5 -》 0.5 -》 0.5 -》 0.5 #16 ; buy_oper = 10’b00_0101_0101 ; repeat(5) begin @(negedge clk) ; coin = buy_oper[1:0] ; buy_oper = buy_oper 》》 2 ; end
//case(2) 1 -》 0.5 -》 1, taking change #16 ; buy_oper = 10‘b00_0010_0110 ; repeat(5) begin @(negedge clk) ; coin = buy_oper[1:0] ; buy_oper = buy_oper 》》 2 ; end
//case(3) 0.5 -》 1 -》 0.5 #16 ; buy_oper = 10’b00_0001_1001 ; repeat(5) begin @(negedge clk) ; coin = buy_oper[1:0] ; buy_oper = buy_oper 》》 2 ; end
//case(4) 0.5 -》 0.5 -》 0.5 -》 1, taking change #16 ; buy_oper = 10‘b00_1001_0101 ; repeat(5) begin @(negedge clk) ; coin = buy_oper[1:0] ; buy_oper = buy_oper 》》 2 ; end end
vending_machine u_mealy ( .clk (clk), .rstn (rstn), .coin (coin), .change (change), .sell (sell));
//simulation finish always begin #100; if ($time 》= 10000) $finish ; end
endmodule // test
#Build a new libraryvlib work
#Switch to the emulation source file directory
vlog +acc “tb_vending_machine.v”vlog +acc “vending_machine.v”
#Start simulation
vsim -voptargs=+acc work.tb_vending_machine
#Add all the signals on the top layeradd wave *#do wave.do
virtual type { {0x00 IDLE} {0x01 GET05} {0x02 GET10} {0x03 GET15}} FSM_TYPEvirtual function {(FSM_TYPE)/tb_vending_machine/u_mealy/st_cur} state1add wave u_mealy/st_curadd wave -color pink /tb_vending_machine/u_mealy/state1
view structureview signalsrun -all
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