如何使用实时时钟 IC DS1307 制作准确的时钟。时间将显示在液晶显示屏上。
运行 Arduino 1.6.5 的计算机
您可以用 ATMEL 的另一个 IC 替换 Arduino,但要确保它具有足够数量的输入和输出引脚以及 I 2 C 功能。我正在使用 ATMega168A-PU。如果你这样做,你将需要一个程序员。我有 AVR MKII ISP 编程器。
微控制器如何跟踪时间和日期?普通的微控制器有一个定时器功能,上电时从0(零)开始,然后开始计数。在 Arduino 世界中,我们可以使用 millis() 函数来重置自上电以来经过的毫秒数。当您断开并重新连接电源时,它会重新开始。这在时钟和日期方面不太方便。
这就是实时时钟或 RTC 芯片派上用场的地方。该 IC 带有 3v 纽扣电池或另一个 3v 电源,可跟踪时间和日期。时钟/日历提供秒、分钟、小时、星期、日期、月份和年份信息。IC 以 30/31 天和闰年校正月份。通过 I 2 C 总线进行通信。I 2 C 总线将不在这里讨论。
如果主电路的 Vcc 低于 Vbat,RTC 会自动切换到低功耗电池备份模式。备用电池通常是连接到 PIN 3 和 GND 的 3v 纽扣电池。通过这种方式,IC 仍会跟踪时间和日期,当主电路通电时,微控制器会获取当前时间和日期。
在这个项目中,我们使用的是DS1307。在该 IC 上,引脚 7 是 SQW/OUT 引脚。您可以使用此引脚来闪烁 LED,或为微控制器计时。我们将两者都做。数据表中的下图有助于我们了解 SQW/OUT。
频率BIT7 & BIT6 & BIT5BIT4第 3 位和第 2 位BIT1位0
1赫兹 01 0 0 0
4.096Hz 01 0 0 1
8.192Hz 01 0 1 0
32.768Hz 01 0 1 1
如果将 LED 和电阻连接到 PIN 7,并希望它以 1Hz 频率闪烁,则将 0b00010000 写入控制寄存器内存地址。如果你想要 4.096 Hz,你会写 0b000100001。现在您需要一台示波器来查看脉冲,因为 LED 闪烁得如此之快,以至于看起来它一直亮着。我们使用的是 1Hz。
微控制器通过 I 2 C与 RTC 通信
在 LCD 上显示时间和日期
这是 Eagle 的截图:
我们将在本指南中使用两种不同的草图:一种将时间和日期写入 RTC,另一种从 RTC 读取时间和日期。我已经这样做了,因此您将对正在发生的事情有更好的了解。我们将为这两个程序使用与上述相同的电路。
首先,我们将时间和日期写入 RTC,这就像在手表上设置时间一样。
我们使用两个开关。一种是增加小时、分钟、日期、月、年和星期几,另一种是在它们之间进行选择。该应用程序不会从任何关键传感器读取值,因此我们使用中断来检查是否按下了开关并处理开关弹跳。有关开关弹跳的更多信息, 请阅读此。
以下代码将设置值并将它们写入 RTC:
// Include header files #include #include // LCD pin definitions #define RS 9 #define E 10 #define D4 8 #define D5 7 #define D6 6 #define D7 5 LiquidCrystal lcd(RS, E, D4, D5, D6, D7); // Interrupt 0 is hardware pin 4 (digital pin 2) int btnSet = 0; // Interrupt 1 is hardware pin 5 (digital pin 3) int btnSel = 1; // Interrupt state int togBtnSet = false; int togBtnSel = false; // Time and date variables int tmpHour = 0; int tmpMinute = 0; int tmpDate = 0; int tmpMonth = 0; int tmpYear = 0; int tmpDay = 0; int tmpSecond = 0; int counterVal = 0; // Variable to keep track of where we are in the "menu" int myMenu[6]; // 0=Hour, 1=Minutes, 2=date, 3=MOnth, 4=Year, 5=DOW int menuCounter = 0; // A array of the weekday char* days[] = { "NA", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fre", "Sat", "Sun" }; void setup() { // Interrupt declaration, execute increaseValue/nextItem function // when btnXXX is RISING attachInterrupt(btnSet, increaseValue, RISING); attachInterrupt(btnSel, nextItem, RISING); Wire.begin(); lcd.begin(16,2); showWelcome(); } // Interrupt function void increaseValue() { // Variables static unsigned long lastInterruptTime = 0; // Making a timestamp unsigned long interruptTime = millis(); // If timestamp - lastInterruptTime is greater than 200 if (interruptTime - lastInterruptTime > 200) { // Toggle the variable togBtnSet = !togBtnSet; // Increase the counterVal by 1 counterVal++; } // Setting lastInterruptTime equal to the timestamp // so we know we moved on lastInterruptTime = interruptTime; } // Next menuItem Interrupt function void nextItem() { static unsigned long lastInterruptTime = 0; unsigned long interruptTime = millis(); if (interruptTime - lastInterruptTime > 200) { togBtnSel = !togBtnSel; // Increase the menu counter so we move to next item menuCounter++; // Placing the counterVal in the menucounters array position myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; // Reset counterVal, now we start at 0 on the next menuItem counterVal = 0; } lastInterruptTime = interruptTime; } // Function that convert decimal numbers to binary byte decToBCD(byte val) { return ((val/10*16) + (val)); } // Short welcome message, now we know everything is OK void showWelcome() { lcd.setCursor(2,0); lcd.print("Hello world."); lcd.setCursor(3,1); lcd.print("I'm alive."); delay(500); lcd.clear(); } // Funcion to set the hour void setHour() { lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Set hour. "); // Checks if interrupt has occured = button pressed if (togBtnSet) { // Update array value with counterVal myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); // Print the new value lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } else { // Update array value with counterVal myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); // Print the new value lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } } // Function to set minutes void setMinute() { lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Set minute. "); if (togBtnSet) { myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } else { myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } } // Function to set date void setDate() { lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Set date. "); if (togBtnSet) { myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } else { myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } } // Function to set month void setMonth() { lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Set month. "); if (togBtnSet) { myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } else { myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } } // Function to set year void setYear() { lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Set year. "); if (togBtnSet) { myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } else { myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } } // Function to set the day of week void setDOW() { lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Set day (1=mon)."); if (togBtnSet) { myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } else { myMenu[menuCounter] = counterVal; lcd.setCursor(7,1); lcd.print(myMenu[menuCounter]); lcd.print(" "); } } // Write the data to the RTC void writeRTC() { Wire.beginTransmission(0x68); Wire.write(0); // Start address Wire.write(0x00); // seconds Wire.write(decToBCD(myMenu[1])); // convert tmpMinutes to BCD and write them Wire.write(decToBCD(myMenu[0])); // convert tmpHour to BCD and write them Wire.write(decToBCD(myMenu[5])); // convert tmpDay to BCD and write them Wire.write(decToBCD(myMenu[2])); // convert tmpDate to BCD and write them Wire.write(decToBCD(myMenu[3])); // convert tmpMonth to BCD and write them Wire.write(decToBCD(myMenu[4])); // convert tmpYear to BCD and write them Wire.write(0b00010000); // enable 1Hz Square wave on PIN7 Wire.endTransmission(); // close the transmission } // Show the time // You need to use the other program to see the RTC is working void showTime() { lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.print(myMenu[0]); lcd.print(":"); // hour lcd.print(myMenu[1]); lcd.print(":"); lcd.print("00 "); // minute lcd.setCursor(3,1); lcd.print(days[myMenu[5]]); lcd.print(" "); // DOW lcd.print(myMenu[2]); lcd.print("."); // date lcd.print(myMenu[3]); lcd.print("."); // month lcd.print(myMenu[4]); lcd.print(" "); // year // Call the writeRTC function writeRTC(); } void loop() { if (menuCounter == 0) { setHour(); } if (menuCounter == 1) { setMinute(); } if (menuCounter == 2) { setDate(); } if (menuCounter == 3) { setMonth(); } if (menuCounter == 4) { setYear(); } if (menuCounter == 5) { setDOW(); } if (menuCounter == 6) { showTime(); } }
该程序以简短的欢迎信息开始。此消息告诉您已接通电源,LCD 正在工作,并且程序已开始运行。
要从 RTC 读取并显示时间和日期,您必须使用以下程序对微控制器进行编程。程序从 RTC 读取时间和日期值并将它们显示在 LCD 上。
// Include header files
#include #include // LCD pin definitions #define RS 9 #define E 10 #define D4 8 #define D5 7 #define D6 6 #define D7 5 LiquidCrystal lcd(RS, E, D4, D5, D6, D7); // Pin that will receive clock pulse from RTC int clockPin = 0; // Time and date vaiables byte second; byte minute; byte hour; byte day; byte date; byte month; byte year; // A array of the weekday char* days[] = { "NA", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fre", "Sat", "Sun" }; // Function run once void setup() { pinMode(clockPin, INPUT); pinMode(clockPin, LOW); Wire.begin(); lcd.begin(16,2); showWelcome(); } // Nice welcome message, then we know LCD is OK void showWelcome() { lcd.setCursor(2,0); lcd.print("Hello world."); lcd.setCursor(3,1); lcd.print("I'm alive."); delay(500); lcd.clear(); } // Doing this forever void loop() { // While clockPin is high while (digitalRead(clockPin)) { // start the I2C transmission, at address 0x68 Wire.beginTransmission(0x68); // Start at address 0 Wire.write(0); // Close transmission Wire.endTransmission(); // Start to read the 7 binary data from 0x68 Wire.requestFrom(0x68, 7); second = Wire.read(); minute = Wire.read(); hour = Wire.read(); day = Wire.read(); date = Wire.read(); month = Wire.read(); year = Wire.read(); // Formatting and displaying time lcd.setCursor(4,0); if (hour < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(hour, HEX); lcd.print(":"); if (minute < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(minute, HEX); lcd.print(":"); if (second < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(second, HEX); lcd.setCursor(2,1); // Formatting and displaying date lcd.print(days[day]); lcd.print(" "); if (date < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(date, HEX); lcd.print("."); if (month < 10) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(month, HEX); lcd.print("."); lcd.print(year, HEX); } // end while }
在本文中,我们研究了 Maxim Integrated 的小型 DS1307 RTC IC。我们制作了一个程序来设置时间和日期,我们制作了另一个程序来读取时间和日期。为了检查是否按下了开关,我们使用了中断。中断还负责开关弹跳。
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