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yYjs_江波龙 来源:未知 2023-06-09 17:15 次阅读














他通过取消演出以延长职业生涯。但也因为经常取消演出,他得到了「取消之王」的绰号。 例如,1989年,芝加哥抒情歌剧院结束了与帕瓦罗蒂代理公司长达15年的合作,因为帕瓦罗蒂取消了41场原定在歌词演出中的26场。






Focusing on One Professional Skill to Protect One’s Career

Due to medical advancements, we can live longer than we imagined that we could when we were younger. And our capacity to work has also been extended by several years. As a result, knowing how to extend one’s career has become an important topic for many individuals, because people will need more money to support their longer lifespans, and because many people will want to experience the satisfaction that work brings as long as they can.

Archilochus, an ancient Greek lyric poet, wrote about a hedgehog that knew one big thing (how to protect itself) and a fox that knew many things (for thriving in the wild). Luciano Pavarotti and Plácido Domingo are famous names in the opera world, wherein Pavarotti was like a hedgehog, in that he focused on protecting his voice, and Domingo is like a fox, in that he uses many ways to survive.

Luciano Pavarotti was an Italian operatic tenor, one of the most acclaimed and loved tenors of all time. In order to extend his career, Pavarotti took various steps to protect his voice when he was getting old.

To begin with, Pavarotti only performed four or five times per month, and usually did so at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, which reduced the need for travel. Pavarotti was also very cautious about the operas that he selected. He only performed operas with which he was very familiar, such as Labohème, Tosca, Turando and Madama Butterfly. Pavarotti had confidence that he could perform those operas very well with no mistakes.

In order to protect his throat when he was older, Pavarotti never performed the “heavy roles,” meaning those roles that required strenuous use of the throat.

Moreover, if he was suffering from a cold, he immediately canceled his performances. He didn’t care about whether these cancellations would violate agreements, or whether the theaters had already sold tickets. He said, “If your body is not in shape to sing [from the diaphragm] you will push and push but keep falling back on your throat to make the sound. This will ruin your voice.”

Such cancellations helped him to extend his career. However, due to frequently backing out of performances, he received the nickname “The King of Cancellations.” For example, in 1989, Lyric Opera of Chicago ended its fifteen-year cooperation with Pavarotti’s agent company because Pavarotti had canceled 26 out of 41 scheduled appearances at the Lyric.

Although Pavarotti was supposed to perform various actions in addition to singing during his performances, he often declined to do so after getting fat. For example, one scene in Turando calls for the performer to play the drums, but Pavarotti only made a drumming gesture. It’s not that he was lazy or didn’t respect his role. Rather, he needed to protect himself and he knew that the most important thing for his performance was to sing. He knew that the audience cared more about his singing than his movements.

In February of 2006, Pavarotti was invited to perform Nessun Dorma at the opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy. This turned out to be the final performance of his life. In this performance, he received the longest and loudest ovation of the night from the international crowd. However, the conductor, Leone Magiera, revealed the whole story in his 2008 memoirs. Magiera said that the performance had been recorded weeks earlier. But in the live performance, “The orchestra pretended to play for the audience, I pretended to conduct and Luciano pretended to sing. The effect was wonderful.” Pavarotti had earlier turned down the invitation several times due to the fact that it would have been impossible to sing at night under the sub-zero conditions of Turin in February. So this was a compromise.

Pavarotti said, “I’m a perfectionist, and I always think that I can do better than what I have done, even if it’s good.” But he wasn’t willing to do so if it was going to jeopardize his instrument (Pavarotti's vocal chords). As such, Pavarotti did everything that he could to protect his throat to extend his career. Damaged vocal cords would only hurt him and deprive his fans from hearing him perform. And his strategy worked and allowed him to keep performing up until the year before his death.

The lesson that we can learn from Pavarotti is that each of us should identify our core competence and focus on that in order to extend our career. We should do everything possible to protect it from various threats. That might mean that you will have to give up some of the responsibilities that you enjoy so that you can focus on your core competence.

The main reason that you are where you are is because of your core competence, not because of those other things, whatever they are. You might have been able to do it all in the past, but as you get older, you often have to pair down your responsibilities to those that are directly related to your core competence. When you maximize your core competence as much as possible, any weaknesses that you have will appear insignificant in comparison. In this way, you should be able to extend your career and also increase your enjoyment along the way.



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  • 江波龙









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