5G: 第五代移动通信技术(The 5th Generation Mobile Communication Technology)
AGV:自动导引车(Automated Guided Vehicle)
AII:工业互联网产业联盟(Alliance of Industrial Internet)
APP: 应用程序(Application)
AR:增强现实技术(Augmented Reality)
DaaS:数据即服务((Data as a Service)
DCS: 集散控制系统 (Distributed Control System)
DetNET:确定性网络(Deterministic Networking)
Ecode:物联网统一标识(Entity Code)
EDD:电子设备描述(Electronic Device Descript)
EPA:工业以太网技术(Ethernet for Plant Automation)
ERP:企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning)
eSIM:嵌入式 SIM 卡(Embedded-SIM)
FCS:现场总线控制系统 (Fieldbus Control System)
FDT:现场设备工具(Field Device Tool)
FlexE:灵活以太网技术(Flexible Ethernet)
IaaS:基础设施即服务(Infrastructure as a Service)
IEC : 国 际 电 工 委 员 会 ( International Electrotechnical Commission)
IETF:国际互联网工程任务组(Internet Engineering Task Force)
IP: 互联网协议 (Internet Protocol)
IPv6:互联网协议第 6 版(Internet Protocol Version 6)
ISA:国际自动化学会(International Society of Automation)
ISO: 国 际 标 准 化 组 织 ( International Organization for Standardization)
IT: 信息技术(Information Technology)
ITU:国际电信联盟(International Telecommunication Union)
LAN:局域网(Local Area Network)
MEC:多接入边缘计算(Multi-access Edge Computing)
MES:制造执行系统(Manufacturing Execution System)
NPN:非公众网络(Non-public Network)
OID:对象标识符(Object Identifier)
OPC UA: OPC 统一架构(OPC Unified Architecture)
OT:操作技术(operational technology)
OTN:光传送网(Optical Transport Network)
PaaS:平台即服务(Platform as a Service)
PLC:可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller)
PON: 无源光纤网络 (Passive Optical Network)
RFID: 无线射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification)
RTOS:实时操作系统(Real Time Operating System)
RTU:远程终端单元(Remote Terminal Unit)
SaaS:软件即服务(Software as a Service)
SCADA:数据采集与监控系统(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition)
SD-WAN:软件定义广域网(Software Defined Wide Area Network)
SDN:软件定义网络(Software Defined Network)
SRv6: 分段路由 IPv6 协议(Segment Routing IPv6)
TSN: 时间敏感网络(Time Sensitive Network)
VPN:虚拟专用网(Virtual Private Network)
VR:虚拟现实技术(Virtual Reality)
WIA:工业无线网络技术(Wireless Networks for Industrial Automation)
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