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ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案

电子工程师 作者:工程师陈翠 2018-06-16 06:56 次阅读

ADI公司ADAQ7980/ADAQ7988是16位模数转换器ADC) μModule® 数据采集系统,集成了四个常见信号处理和调理模块,采用支持各种应用的系统级封装(SiP)设计。内置一个高精度低功耗16位SAR ADC,一个低功耗高带宽高输入阻抗ADC驱动器,一个稳定的低功耗基准电压缓冲器和一个高效的电源管理模块,可简化数据采集系统的设计过程。主要用在自动测试设备(ATE),电池供电仪器仪表通信,数据采集,过程控制和医疗仪器。本文介绍了ADAQ7980主要特性,框图,以及评估板EVAL-ADAQ7980SDZ主要特性,简化框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图。

The ADAQ7980/ADAQ7988 are 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) μModule® data acquisition systems that integrate four common signal processing and conditioning blocks into a system in package (SiP) design that supports a variety of applications. These devices contain the most critical passive components, eliminating many of the design challenges associated with traditional signal chains that use successive approximation register (SAR) ADCs. These passive components are crucial to achieving the specified device performance.

The ADAQ7980/ADAQ7988 contain a high accuracy, low power, 16-bit SAR ADC, a low power, high bandwidth, high input impedance ADC driver, a low power, stable reference buffer, and an efficient power management block. Housed within a tiny, 5 mm × 4 mm LGA package, these products simplify the design process for data acquisition systems. The level of system integration of the ADAQ7980/ADAQ7988 solves many design challenges, while the devices still provide the flexibility of a configurable ADC driver feedback loop to allow gain and/or common-mode adjustments.A set of four device supplies provides optimal system performance; however,single-supply operation is possible with minimal impact on device operating specifications. The ADAQ7980/ADAQ7988 integrate within a compact, integrated circuit (IC)-like form factor key components commonly used in data acquisition signal chain designs. The μModule family transfers the design burden of component selection,optimization, and layout from designer to device, shortening overall design time, system troubleshooting, and ultimately improving time to market. The serial peripheral interface (SPI)-compatible serial interface features the ability to daisy-chain multiple devices on a single, 3- wire bus and provides an optional busy indicator. The user interface is compatible with 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3 V, or 5 V logic. Specified operation of these devices is from −55℃ to +125℃。


Easy to use

μModule data acquisition system

All active components designed by Analog Devices, Inc.

50% PCB area savings

Includes critical passive components

SPI-/QSPI-/MICROWIRE™-/DSP-compatible serial interface

Daisy-chain multiple ADAQ7980/ADAQ7988 devices

Versatile supply configuration with 1.8 V/2.5 V/3 V/5 V logic interface

High performance

16-bit resolution with no missing codes

Throughput: 1 MSPS (ADAQ7980) and 500 kSPS (ADAQ7988)

INL: ±8 ppm typical and 20 ppm maximum

SNR: 91.5 dB typical at 10 kHz (unity gain)

THD: −105 dB at 10 kHz Zero error: ±0.06 mV typical (unity gain)

Zero error temperature drift: 1.3 μV/°C maximum

Low power dissipation

21 mW typical at 1 MSPS (ADAQ7980)

16.5 mW typical at 500 kSPS (ADAQ7988)

Flexible power-down modes

Small, 24-lead, 5 mm × 4 mm LGA package

Excellent ESD ratings

3500 V human body model (HBM)

1250 V field-induced charged device model (FICDM)

Wide operating temperature range: −55℃ to +125℃


Automated test equipment (ATE)

Battery powered instrumentation


Data acquisition

Process control

Medical instruments

ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案



The EVAL-ADAQ7980SDZ is an evaluation board designed to demonstrate the low power ADAQ7980 performance and provide an easy to understand interface for a variety of system applications. The ADAQ7980 is a 16-bit, 1 MSPS, μModule data acquisition system that integrates four common signal processing and conditioning blocks into a system in package (SiP) design that supports a variety of applications.

The EVAL-ADAQ7980SDZ can also evaluate the ADAQ7988, despite being populated with the ADAQ7980. To mimic the evaluation of the ADAQ7988 performance, limit the maximum sample rate of the ADAQ7980 to 500 kSPS in the ADAQ798x Evaluation Software.

The evaluation board is ideal for use with the Analog Devices, Inc., system demonstration platform (SDP) board, EVAL-SDP-CB1Z. The EVAL-ADAQ7980SDZ interfaces to the SDP board via a 120-pin connector. P1, P2, P3, and P4 SMA connectors are provided to connect a low noise analog signal source.

The ADAQ798x Evaluation Software executable controls the evaluation board over the USB through the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z. See the Related Links section for a list of on-board components.

A full description and complete specifications for the ADAQ7980 are provided in the ADAQ7980/ADAQ7988 data sheet and must be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the evaluation board. Full details on the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z are available on the SDP-B product page.


Full featured evaluation board for the ADAQ7980

Versatile analog signal conditioning circuitry

On-board reference, reference buffers, and ADC drivers

SDP board-compatible (EVAL-SDP-CB1Z)

PC software for control and data analysis of time and frequency domain


EVAL-ADAQ7980SDZ evaluation board

Wall power supply 9 V dc adapter

Daughter card power connector

Nylon screws


ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案


ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案


ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案


ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案


ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案


ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案


ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案

图9.评估板EVAL-ADAQ7980SDZ PCB设计图:顶层丝印-装配

ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案

图10.评估板EVAL-ADAQ7980SDZ PCB设计图:顶层

ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案

图11.评估板EVAL-ADAQ7980SDZ PCB设计图:层层叠2-地

ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案

图12.评估板EVAL-ADAQ7980SDZ PCB设计图:层3-电源

ADI ADAQ7980 16位ADC μModule 数据采集系统解决方案

图13.评估板EVAL-ADAQ7980SDZ PCB设计图:底层

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  • ADI






  • 模数转换器






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