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基于CC3235XSimpleLink Wi-Fi双波段单片解决方案

电子工程师 来源:陈翠 2019-05-11 10:04 次阅读

TI公司的CC3235S和CC3235SF是SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi®双波段单片解决方案. CC3235S包括256KB RAM,IoT网络安全性,器件身份以及MCU级别的安全特性如文件系统加密,用户IP(MCU图)加密,安全引导和调试安全性.而CC3235SF基于CC3235S,除了256KB RAM外还集成了用户专用的1MB可执行闪存.SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3235x系列产品是双波段系统级芯片(SoC),单片内集成了应按用处理器Arm® Cortex®-M4 MCU和运行所有Wi-Fi和互联网逻辑层的网络处理器包括802.11 a/b/g/n双波段 2.4 GHz和5 GHz无线电,基带,MAC和功能强大的硬件加密引擎.这些器件支持 802.11a (5 GHz),BLE/2.4 GHz无线电共存,可选择的天线,具有FIPS 140-2 Level 1证书的增强安全性,有多达16个同时存在安全插座,认证证书的证书请求文件(CSR),在线证书状态协议(OCSP),Wi-Fi®联盟证书以及改善了快速扫描性能,IPv4和IPv6 TCP/IP 堆栈,工作温度–40℃到 +85℃ ,主要用在物联网应用如建筑物和家庭自动化,HVAC系统和调温器,视频监视,视频门铃和低功耗照相机,以及其建筑物安全系统和电子锁,器械,资产跟踪,工厂自动化,医疗和健康设备以及电网基础设备.本文介绍了CC3235S主要特性,SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi®解决方案框图,硬件概述图和嵌入软件概述图,以及开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™框图,电路图和材料清单和PCB设计图.

The dual-band wireless MCU CC3235x device comes in two variants, CC3235S and C3235SF.

• The CC3235S includes 256KB of RAM,IoT networking security, device identity/keys, as well as, MCUlevel security features such as file system encryption, user IP (MCU image) encryption, secure bootand debug security.

• The CC3235SF builds on the CC3235S and integrates a user-dedicated 1MB of executable flash inaddition to the 256KB of RAM.

Simplify your IoT design with a Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ wireless microcontroller (MCU). The SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3235x device family is a dual-band system-on-chip (SoC) solution that integrates two processorswithin a single chip, including:

• Application processor: Arm® Cortex®-M4 MCU with a user-dedicated 256KB of RAM and an optional1MB of executable flash

• Network processor to run all Wi-Fi and internet logical layers. This ROM-based subsystem completelyoffloads the host MCU and includes an 802.11 a/b/g/n dual-band 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio, baseband,and MAC with a powerful hardware cryptography engine.

These devices introduce new capabilities that further simplify the connectivity of things to the Internet. Themain new features include:

• 802.11a (5 GHz) support
• BLE/2.4 GHz radio coexistence
• Antenna selection
• Enhanced security with FIPS 140-2 Level 1 certification and more (1)
• Up to 16 concurrent secure sockets
• Certificate sign request (CSR)
• Online certificate status protocol (OCSP)
• Wi-Fi® Alliance certified for IoT applications with low-power capabilities and more
• Hostless mode for offloading template packet transmissions
• Improved fast scan
The CC3235x device family is part of the SimpleLink™ MCU platform—a common, easy-to-usedevelopment environment based on a single-core software development kit (SDK) with a rich tool set andreference designs. The E2E™ community supports Wi-Fi®, Bluetooth® low energy, Sub-1 GHz, and hostMCUs. For more information, visit or


• Multiple-core architecture, system-on-chip (SoC)
• 802.11 a/b/g/n: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
• FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Certification
• Multilayered security features, help developersprotect identities, data, and software IP
• Low-Power Modes for battery powered application
• Coexistence with 2.4 GHz Radios
• Industrial temperature: –40℃ to +85℃
• Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ by the Wi-Fi Alliance®
• Application microcontroller subsystem:
– Arm® Cortex®-M4 core at 80 MHz
– User-dedicated memory
– 256KB RAM
– Optional 1MB executable Flash
– Rich set of peripherals and timers
– 27 I/O pins with flexible multiplexing options
UART, I2S, I2C, SPI, SD, ADC,8-bit parallel interface
– Timers and PWM
• Wi-Fi network processor subsystem:
– Wi-Fi® core:
– 802.11 a/b/g/n 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
– Modes:
– Access Point (AP)
– Station (STA)
– Wi-Fi Direct® (only supported on 2.4 GHz)
– Security:
– WPA2 Enterprise
– Internet and application protocols:
– HTTPs server, mDNS, DNS-SD, DHCP
– IPv4 and IPv6 TCP/IP stack
– 16 BSD sockets (fully secured TLS v1.2 andSSL 3.0)
– Built-in power management subsystem:
– Configurable low-power profiles (always,intermittent, tag)
– Advanced low-power modes
– Integrated DC/DC regulators
• Multilayered security features:
– Separate execution environments
– Networking security
– Device identity and key
– Hardware accelerator cryptographic engines(AES, DES, SHA/MD5, CRC)
– Application-level security (encryption,authentication, access control)
– Initial secure programming
– Software tamper detection
– Secure boot
– Certificate signing request (CSR)
– Unique per device key pair
• Application throughput:
– UDP: 16 Mbps, TCP: 13 Mbps
– Peak: 72 Mbps
• Power-Management Subsystem:
– Integrated DC/DC converters support a widerange of supply voltage:
– VBAT wide-voltage mode: 2.1 V to 3.6 V
– VIO is always tied with VBAT
– Advanced low-power modes:
– Shutdown: 1 μA, hibernate: 4.5 μA
– Low-power deep sleep (LPDS): 120 μA
– Idle connected (MCU in LPDS): 710 μA
– RX traffic (MCU active): 59 mA
– TX traffic (MCU active): 223 mA
• Wi-Fi TX power:
– 2.4 GHz: 18.0 dBm at 1 DSSS
– 5 GHz: 18.1 dBm at 6 OFDM
• Wi-Fi RX sensitivity:
– 2.4 GHz: –96 dBm at 1 DSSS
– 5 GHz: –92 dBm at 6 OFDM
• Clock source:
– 40.0-MHz crystal with internal oscillator
– 32.768-kHz crystal or external RTC
• RGK package
– 64-Pin, 9-mm × 9-mm very thin quad flatnonleaded (VQFN) package, 0.5-mm pitch
• Device supports SimpleLink™ MCU PlatformDeveloper ’s Ecosystem


• For Internet of Things applications, such as:
– Building and Home Automation:
• HVAC Systems & Thermostat
• Video Surveillance, Video Doorbells, and
Low-Power Camera
• Building Security Systems & E-locks
– Appliances
– Asset Tracking
– Factory Automation
– Medical and Healthcare
– Grid Infrastructure

图1.CC3235x SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi®解决方案框图





图6.带和不带共存的CC3235x RF电路图
CC3235x RF部分材料清单:

CC3235 SimpleLink™ LaunchPad™开发板LAUNCHXL-CC3235x

The CC3235 SimpleLink™ LaunchPad™ Development Kit (LAUNCHXL-CC3235x) is a low-costevaluation platform for Arm® Cortex®-M4-based MCUs. The LaunchPad (LP) design highlights theCC3235 Dual Band (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) wireless MCU system on a chip. The CC3235 LaunchPad™ kitalso features temperature and accelerometer sensors, programmable user buttons, RGB LED for customapplications, and onboard emulator for debugging. The stackable headers of the LAUNCHXL-CC3235xdemonstrate how easy it is to expand the functionality of the LaunchPad™ kit. BoosterPack™ Plug-inModules allow for interfacing with other peripherals such as graphical displays, audio codecs, antennaselection, environmental sensing, and more.

The CC3235 LaunchPad™ kit, referred to by its part number LAUNCHXL-CC3235x, is a low-costevaluation platform for Arm® Cortex®-M4-based MCUs. The LaunchPad™ design highlights the CC3235Internet-on-a chip™ solution and Wi-Fi® capabilities. The CC3235 LaunchPad™ also features temperatureand accelerometer sensors, programmable user buttons, RGB LED for custom applications, and onboardemulation for debugging. The stackable headers of the CC3235 LaunchPad™ XL interface demonstratehow easy it is to expand the functionality of the LaunchPad™ when interfacing with other peripherals onmany existing BoosterPack™ add-on boards, such as graphical displays, audio codecs, antenna selection,environmental sensing, and more. There are two variants of the LaunchPad™: LAUNCHXL-CC3235S andLAUNCHXL-CC3235SF. This user’s guide applies to both variants, and any differences are noted inrelevant sections.

Multiple development environment tools are also available, including the Eclipse-based Code ComposerStudio™ (CCS) integrated development environment (IDE) and IAR Embedded Workbench® from TexasInstruments™. More information about the LaunchPad™, the supported BoosterPack™ modules, and theavailable resources can be found at the LaunchPad™ portal from TI. Also, visit the CC3235 Wiki page fordesign resources and example projects.


• CC3235x Dual Band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi®, Internet-on-a chip™ solution withintegrated MCU
• 40-pin LaunchPad™ pinout that leverages the BoosterPack™ ecosystem
• on-board XDS110-based JTAG emulation with serial port for flash programming
• Two buttons and RGB LED for user interaction
• Back-channel universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) through USB to PC
• Onboard chip antenna with U.FL connector for conducted testing
• Onboard accelerometer and temperature sensor
• Micro USB connector for power and debug connections


• CC3235 LaunchPad™ development tool (LAUNCHXL-CC3235x)
• Micro USB cable
• Quick Start Guide

图7.开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™概述图

图8.开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™框图

开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™硬件特性:

• CC3235 SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi®, Internet-on-a chip™ solution with integrated MCU
• 40-pin LaunchPad™ standard that leverages the BoosterPack™ ecosystem
• TI Standard XDS110-based JTAG emulation with serial port for flash programming
• Supports both 4-wire JTAG and 2-wire SWD
• Two buttons and a RGB LED for user interaction
• Virtual COM port UART through USB on PC
• Onboard chip antenna with U.FL or SMA for conducted testing, selectable using 0-Ω resistors
• Onboard accelerometer and temperature sensor for out-of-box demo, with the option to isolate themfrom the inter-integrated circuit (I2C) bus
• Micro USB connector for power and debug connections
• Headers for current measurement and external JTAG connection, with an option to use the onboardXDS110 to debug customer platforms
• Bus-powered device, with no external power required for Wi-Fi®
• Long-range transmission with a highly optimized antenna (200-meter typical in open air with a 6-dBiantenna AP)
• Can be powered externally, working down to 2.3 V (typical)

图9.开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™电池加电图



图11.开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™电路图(1)

图12.开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™电路图(2)

图13.开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™电路图(3)

图14.开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™电路图(4)

图15.开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™电路图(5)

图16.开发板CC3235 LaunchPad™电路图(6)

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  • Wi-Fi






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