TI公司的TIDA-01476是低功耗无线PIR运动检测参考设计,能创建工业传感器到云端节点,连接到IoT网络网关和云数据提供者.参考设计采用微功耗运放,比较器和SimpleLink™超低功耗小于1GHz无线微控制器(MCU)平台等器件,以形成超低功耗传感器-云运动检测器,具有超长电池寿命和不需要连线.连接长度高达1000米,满足IEEE 802.15.4e/g标准,主要用在运动检测,照明传感器,无线控制和建筑物自动化.本文介绍了参考设计TIDA-01476主要特性和系统指标,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The TIDA-01476 reference design demonstrates howto create an industrial sensor-to-cloud end nodecapable of connecting to an IoT network gateway andcloud data provider. This design uses TexasInstruments’ nano-power operational amplifiers,comparators, and the SimpleLink™ ultra-low-powerSub-1 GHz wireless microcontroller (MCU) platform todemonstrate an ultra-low-power sensor-to-cloudmotion detector, leading to extremely long battery lifeand no required wiring.
This reference design demonstrates how to create an industrial sensor-to-cloud end node capable of connecting to an IoT network gateway and cloud data provider. This design uses Texas Instruments’ nano-power operational amplifiers, comparators, and the SimpleLink™ ultra-low-power Sub-1 GHz wireless microcontroller (MCU) platform to demonstrate an ultra-low-power sensor-to-cloud motion detector, leading to extremely long battery life and no required wiring.
Many industrial and building automation systems use motion detectors to control different functions basedon human presence, such as lighting, for achieving higher efficiency of those functions by turning them offwhen not needed. Additionally, these systems require increasing numbers of wireless sensor nodes toreduce the installation costs and the make the systems more flexible for future expansion by eliminatingwiring. However, one of the major limitations for a large wireless network is power. Because thesesystems are battery powered, the maintenance cost associated with periodic battery replacement can become prohibitive. Depending on the power consumption and battery configuration, typical batterypoweredPIR motion detectors can run anywhere from four to seven years before the batteries need to bereplaced.
Enabled by Texas Instruments ’nano-power amplifiers, comparators, and the SimpleLink ultra-low-powerwireless MCU platform, the Low-Power Wireless PIR Motion Detector Reference Design demonstrates amotion detector circuit solution requiring no wiring while also fully maximizing the battery life.
At a high level, this TI Design consists of a CR2032 coin cell battery, two nano-power op amps, two nanopowercomparators, an ultra-low-power wireless MCU, and a PIR sensor with analog signal output. Thetwo op amps form an amplified band-pass filter with a high-input impedance, which allows it to beconnected directly to the sensor without loading it. The two comparators form a window comparator, whichis used to compare the amplified sensor output to fixed reference thresholds so that motion can bedistinguished from noise. The two outputs of the window comparator then serve as interrupts to the wireless MCU. This way, the MCU can operate in its lowest power sleep mode during times where there isno motion being detected and only wakes up to send messages back to a remote host when motion hasbeen detected. Due to the nano-amp operation of the analog signal chain components, this TI Designachieves a 10-year battery life from a single CR2032 coin cell battery.
This design guide addresses component selection, design theory, software and the testing results of thisTI Design system. The scope of this design guide gives system designers a head-start in integrating TI’snano-power analog components, and the SimpleLink ultra-low-power wireless MCU platform along with astarting point for sensor-to-cloud software integration.
• Large Network-to-Cloud Connectivity EnablingLong Range, Up to 1 km (Line of Sight)
• IEEE 802.15.4e/g Standards-Based Sub-1 GHzSolution With TI 15.4-Stack
• Use of Nano-Power Analog for Ultra-Low-PowerDesign, Resulting in 10-Year Battery Life FromSingle CR2032 Coin Cell
• Low Standby Current of 1.65 μA (PIR SensorRemains Active in Standby)
• Interrupt Driven Sub-1 GHz WirelessCommunication of Motion for Increased Power Savings
• Motion Sensitivity up to 30 ft
• Motion Detection
• Lighting Sensors
• Wireless Controls
• Building Automation
图7.参考设计TIDA-01476 PCB图
图8.参考设计TIDA-01476 PCB设计图(1)
图9.参考设计TIDA-01476 PCB设计图(2)
图10.参考设计TIDA-01476 PCB设计图(3)
图11.参考设计TIDA-01476 PCB设计图(4)
图12.参考设计TIDA-01476 PCB设计图(5)
图13.参考设计TIDA-01476 PCB设计图(6)
图14.参考设计TIDA-01476 PCB设计图(7)
图15.参考设计TIDA-01476 PCB设计图(8)