

ADG1422: 2.1 Ω Maximum On Res

ADG1422:  2.1 Ω Maximum On Resistance, ±15 V/+12/±5 V iCMOS Dual SPST Switches The ADG1421/ADG1422/ADG1423 contain two independent single-pole/single-throw (SPST) switches....

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: ADG1422

ADG1421: 2.1 Ω Maximum On Res

ADG1421:2.1 Ω Maximum On Resistance, ±15 V/+12/±5 V iCMOS Dual SPST Switches The ADG1421/ADG1422/ADG1423 contain two independent single-pole/single-throw (SPST) switches....

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: ADG1421

ADG1402: 1 Ω On Resistance, ±

ADG1402:  1 Ω On Resistance, ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, iCMOS SPST Switches The ADG1401/ADG1402 contain a single-pole/single-throw (SPST) switch. Figure 1 shows that with a logic input of 1, the switch of the ADG140...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: ADG1402

ADG1401: 1 Ω On Resistance, ±

ADG1401:1 Ω On Resistance, ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, iCMOS SPST Switches The ADG1401/ADG1402 contain a single-pole/single-thr...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: ADG1401

ADP3631: High Speed, Dual, 2

ADP3631:  High Speed, Dual, 2 A MOSFET Driver The ADP3629/ADP3630/ADP3631 are dual, high current, high speed drivers, capable of driving two independent N-channel power MOSFETs. The ADP3629/ADP3630/ADP3631 use the in...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: ADP3631

ADP3630: High Speed, Dual, 2

ADP3630:  High Speed, Dual, 2 A MOSFET Driver The ADP3629/ADP3630/ADP3631 are dual, high current, high speed drivers, capable of driving two independent N-channel power MOSFETs. The ADP3629/ADP3630/ADP3631 use the in...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: ADP3630

ADP3629: High Speed, Dual, 2

ADP3629: High Speed, Dual, 2 A MOSFET Driver The ADP3629/ADP3630/ADP3631 are dual, high current, high speed drivers, capable of driving two independent N-channel power MOSFETs. The ADP3629...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: ADP3629

ADP150: Ultralow Noise, 150 m

ADP150:  Ultralow Noise, 150 mA CMOS Linear Regulator The ADP150 is an ultralow noise (9 μV), low dropout, linear regulator that operates from 2.2 V to 5.5 V and provides up to 150 mA of output current. The low 105 ...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: ADP150

ADP1043A: Digital Controller

ADP1043A.Digital Controller for Isolated Power Supply Applications The ADP1043A is a secondary side power supply controller IC designed to provide all the functions that are t...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: ADP1043A

EVAL-ADV739X: Front End Modul

EVAL-ADV739X:  Front End Module that completes ADV7390/91/92/93 Evaluation Platform Analog Devices has developed a 2 piece modular system to evaluate the ADV7390, ADV7391, ADV7392, ADV7393 Encoders.The 2 piece system...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: EVAL-ADV73

ADN4604: 4.25 Gbps 16 × 16 Di

ADN4604:  4.25 Gbps 16 × 16 Digital Crosspoint Switch The ADN4604 is a 16 × 16 asynchronous, protocol agnostic, digital crosspoint switch, with 16 differential PECL/C...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: ADN4604

EVAL-ADV739X: Front End Modul

EVAL-ADV739X:  Front End Module that completes ADV7390/91/92/93 Evaluation Platform Analog Devices has developed a 2 piece modular system to evaluate the ADV7390, ADV7391, ADV7392, ADV7393 Encoders. The 2 pie...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: EVAL-ADV73


电力系统继电保护技术的探析 通过对我国电力系统继电保护技术发展现状的分析,探讨继电保护的任务和基本要求。从分析当前继电保护装置的广...

类别:电力技术 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: 继电保护


浅谈光纤在继电保护中的应用 文章讨论了低压配电系统零线断线故障对人及设备造成的危害,并提出相应保护措施,即从故障发生的...

类别:电力技术 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: 继电保护

MAX16064 Quad power-supply con

MAX16064 Quad power-supply controller uses low-cost analog supplies to create highly accurate, digital power-management solutions ...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-31 关键字: Solutions

德州仪器 (TI) 推出TPS6507x 系列单芯片电源管理

TI推出TPS6507x 系列单芯片电源管理集成电路 德州仪器 (TI) 面向便携式电子产品宣布推出 TPS6507x 系列单芯片电源管理集成电路。最新电源管理单元 (PMU...

类别:新品快讯 更新:2009-10-30 关键字: 德州仪

台积电三季度净利润9亿美元 创一年最好业绩

台积电三季度净利润9亿美元 创一年最好业绩 北京时间10月29日消息,据国外媒体报道,全球最大的芯片代工制造商台积电周四发布了该公司第三季...

类别:行业资讯 更新:2009-10-29 关键字: 台积电


世界最强电脑走势   据国外媒体报道,在最新公布的全球超级计算机500强排行榜上,美国能源部下属洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Alamos Nationa...

类别:行业资讯 更新:2009-10-29 关键字: 电脑

Vivante GPU 支持 Marvell ARMADA

Vivante 图形处理器为新一代移动计算和智能互连设备带来身临其境的多媒体体验和极佳的视觉效果     加州桑尼维尔2009年10月2...

类别:行业资讯 更新:2009-10-29 关键字: Marvell支持Vivante

德州仪器推出业界首款具备缓冲输入的 12 位 1 GSPS

模数转换器将无线通信、国防以及测量检测设备的采样速率提升两倍     北京2009年10月28日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- 日前,德州仪器...

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