CC2540T器件是一款真正具备成本效益的低功耗无线MCU,适用于低能耗应用.CC2540T可在总物料成本低廉的前提下构建耐用的BLE主控或受控节点,工作温度最高可达125°C.CC2540T将一款性能出色的RF收发器,一个符合行业标准的增强型8051 MCU,系统内置可编程闪存存储器,8KB RAM及其他功能强大的支持特性及外设组合在一起.CC2540T适用于要求超低功耗的系统。提供有超低功耗睡眠模式。运行模式间的切换时间短,有助于实现更低功耗。
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Device Type |
Bluetooth Standard |
Rating |
Approx. Price (US$) |
Technology |
Operating Temperature Range (C) |
CC2540T | CC2540 | CC2541 | CC2541-Q1 |
Wireless MCU | Wireless MCU | Wireless MCU | Wireless MCU |
Bluetooth 4.0 | Bluetooth 4.0 | Bluetooth 4.0 | Bluetooth 4.0 |
Catalog | Catalog | Catalog | Automotive |
2.90 | 1ku | 1.74 | 1ku | 1.59 | 1ku | 2.95 | 1ku |
Bluetooth low energy | Bluetooth low energy | Bluetooth low energy | Bluetooth low energy |
-40 to 125 | -40 to 85 | -40 to 85 | -40 to 105 |