The RH101A is a general purpose operational amplifier featuring low bias current and the ability to operate with high input differential voltages. Unlike many FET input amplifiers, the output of the RH101A does not reverse if the common mode range is exceeded, making them particularly useful in comparator and oscillator circuits. The RH101A uses external compensation, allowing the frequency response and slew rate to be optimized for the application.
The wafer lots are processed to our in house Class S flow to yield circuits usable in stringent military and space applications.
We partner with third party vendors who assemble and test packaged products with RH Dice inside.
For MSK prefix products please click on the Part Number in the table below and scroll down the linked page to find the part number.
Part Number | Description | SMD |
MSK0041RH | General Purpose Class C Op Amp (0.5A peak output) | - |
MSK106RH | General Purpose Class C Op Amp (2A peak output) | 5962-11228 |