--- 产品参数 ---
- 品牌 GD电容
- 寿命 2000小时
--- 产品详情 ---

◆ 105℃负荷寿命达2000小时。
◆ 安全防爆阀设计。
Series 105℃ Fearures
◆ Used in communication equipments,switching power supply,etc。
◆ Load life 2000 hours at 105℃
◆ Safety vent construction design 。

(1). 直流铝电解电容应按正确的极性使用 DC electrolytic capacitors are polarized 当直流铝电解电容器按反极性接入电路时,电容器会导致电子线路短路,由此产生的电流会 引致电容器损坏。若电路中有可能在负引线施加正极电压,请选无极性产品。
When reverse voltage is applied on DC electrolytic capacitor, the capacitor will becomes short-circuited please use no polarized capacitors in the circuit be damage due to abnormal current flows through the capacitors since the circuit where the positive voltage may be applied to the cathode terminal.
(2). 在额定工作电压以下作用 Use capacitor within rated voltage 当电容器上所施加电压高于额定工作电压时,电容器的漏电流将上升,其电气特性将在短时内劣 化直至损坏。请注意电压峰值勿超出额定工作电压。
When capacitor is used at higher voltage than the rated voltage, leakage current increases, characteristics drastically deteriorate and damage in a short period may occur as a result. Please take extra caution that the peak voltage should not exceed the rated voltage.
(3). 作快速充放电使用 Charge and discharge application.
When aluminum electrolytic capacitors for general purpose are employed in rapid charge and discharge application, its life expectancy may be shortened by capacitance decrease, heat rise, etc.
(4). 电容器贮存 Store the capacitor. 当铝电解电容器作了长期贮存后,其漏电流通常升高,贮存温度愈高,漏电流上升愈快。因此应 注意贮存环境的选择,在电容器上施加电压后,漏电流值将不断下降,在铝电解电容器的漏电流值上 升对电路有不良影响的,请在使用前充电处理。
I creased leakage current is common in aluminum capacitors which have been stored for long period of tine. The Higher the storage temperature, the higher the leakage current decreases gradually as voltage is applied to the capacitor. In cases where increased leakage current causes problems in the circuit, apply voltage (aging) before using.
(5). 施加纹波电流应少于额定值 Ripple current applied to capacitor should not exceed the rated value. 施加纹波电流超过额定值后,会导致电容器体过热,容量下降,寿命缩短。所施加纹波电压的峰 值应少于额定工作电压。 Excessive heat will reduce capacitance and result in shortened life of capacitor if ripple currents exceeding the specified rated value are applied. The peak value of the ripple voltage should be less than the rated voltage.
(6). 使用环境温度 Ambient temperature. 铝电解电容器的使用寿命会受到环境温度的影响。据科学统计,使用环境温度下降 10℃其使用寿 命增加 1 倍。
The ambient temperature affects life of the aluminum electrolytic capacitor. It is generally stated, that life doubles for each 10℃ decrease in temperature. 6
(7). 引出线强度 Lead stress 当拉力施加到电容器引出线,该拉力将作用于电容器内部,这将导致电容器内部短路,开路或漏 电流上升。在电容器焊装到电路板,请勿强烈摇动电容器。
When a strong force is applied to the lead wires or terminals, stress is put on the internal connections. This may result in short circuit, open circuit or increased leakage current. It is not advisable to bend or handle a capacitor after it has been soldered to the PC board.
(8). 焊接过程耐热性 Heat resistance at the soldering process 铝电解电容器装至电路板进行浸焊或波焊时,其塑料套管可能因焊接时间过长、温度过高而发生破 裂或二次收缩。
In the dip soldering process of PC board with aluminum electrolytic capacitors mounted, secondary shrinkage or crack of PVC sleeve may be observed when solder temperature is too high or dipping time is too long.
(9). 电路板的安装孔孔距及安装位置 Hole pitch and POSTTTION of PC board. 电路板安装孔的设计应与产品说明书的引线脚距相一致,如果将电容器强行插入孔距不配套的电 路板,那么会有应力作用于引出线,这将导致短路或漏电流上升。
A PC board must be designed so its hole pitch coincides with the lead pitch (lead spacing) of the capacitor specified by the catalog or specifications. When a capacitor is forcibly inserted into an unmatched hole pitch, a stress is put on the leads This could result in a short circuit or increased leakage current.
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