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Fluke福禄克922 923 925空气流量与风速检测仪

型号: Fluke福禄克922 923 925

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  • 1

--- 产品详情 ---


Fluke 922 气流计/套件 Fluke 922 通过将三种工具:差分压力、气流和流速组合到一个坚固的仪表中使气流测量变得轻松。 强大的仪表提供差分和静态压力、空气流速和流量读数 方便的彩色软管帮助正确解释压力读数 易于使用,不影响其他性能 明亮、背光显示屏,用于清楚地查看所有环境 用户定义的管道形状和尺寸,提供最大气流精确度 H²O 中的精度小至 0.001 99 点数据存储容量 用于轻松地分析数据的最小/最大/平均/保留功能 自动关闭电源延长了电池寿命 ### 随附 2 个橡胶软管、腕带、携带箱、操作手册、4 节 AA 碱性电池 ### Fluke 922 压力、速率和气流套件

Fluke 922 was designed and built for how (and where) you do your job, with performance, ruggedness and ease of use, setting the Fluke 922 apart from the competition. The bright white display and ruggedized holster and wrist strap let you take the Fluke 922 into less than ideal environments. The colour-coded hoses help you keep track of where your readings are coming from. The simple, intuitive interface means you can measure pressure, velocity, or airflow at the push of a button.



Powerful meter provides differential and static pressure, air velocity and flow readings



Convenient coloured hoses help proper interpretation of pressure readings



Easy to use without sacrificing performance



Bright, backlit display for clear viewing in all environments



User-defined duct shape and size for maximum airflow accuracy



Resolution down to 0.001 in H2O



99 point data storage capacity



Min/Max/Average/Hold functions for easy data analysis



Auto power off saves battery life
