--- 产品详情 ---
Number of channels (#) | 2 |
Isolation rating (Vrms) | 5700 |
Power switch | MOSFET |
Peak output current (A) | 6 |
DIN V VDE V 0884-10 transient overvoltage rating (Vpk) | 8000 |
DIN V VDE V 0884-10 working voltage (Vpk) | 1414 |
Output VCC/VDD (Max) (V) | 18 |
Output VCC/VDD (Min) (V) | 9.2 |
Input VCC (Min) (V) | 3 |
Input VCC (Max) (V) | 5.5 |
Prop delay (ns) | 28 |
Operating temperature range (C) | -40 to 125 |
Undervoltage lockout (Typ) | 8 |
- Wide body package options
- DW SOIC-16: pin-2-pin to UCC21520
- DWK SOIC-14: 3.3 mm Ch-2-Ch spacing
- Up to 4-A peak source and 6-A peak sink output
- Up to 18-V VDD output drive supply
- 5-V and 8-V VDD UVLO Options
- CMTI greater than 100 V/ns
- Switching parameters:
- 40-ns maximum propagation delay
- 5-ns maximum delay matching
- 5.5-ns maximum pulse-width distortion
- 35-μs maximum VDD power-up delay
- Resistor-programmable dead time
- TTL and CMOS compatible inputs
- Safety-related certifications:
- 8000-VPK reinforced isolation per DIN V VDE V 0884-11:2017-01
- 5700-VRMS isolation for 1 minute per UL 1577
- CQC certification per GB4943.1-2011
The UCC2154x is an isolated dual channel gate driver family designed with up to 4-A/6-A peak source/sink current to drive power MOSFET, IGBT, and GaN transistors. UCC2154x in DWK package also offers 3.3-mm minimum channel-to-channel spacing which facilitates higher bus voltage.
The UCC2154xfamily can be configured as two low-side drivers, two high-side drivers, or a half-bridge driver. The input side is isolated from the two output drivers by a 5.7-kVRMS isolation barrier, with a minimum of 100-V/ns common-mode transient immunity (CMTI).
Protection features include: resistor programmable dead time, disable feature to shut down both outputs simultaneously, integrated de-glitch filter that rejects input transients shorter than 5ns, and negative voltage handling for up to –2V spikes for 200ns on input and output pins. All supplies have UVLO protection.
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