关键词: FPGA , KC705 , Kintex-7 , Xilinx
Xilinx公司的7系列FPGA包括Artix™-7, Kintex™-7 和Virtex®-7 三个系列,具有超高端连接带宽,逻辑容量和信号完整性,提供低成本,小型尺寸和大容量的要求最严格的高性能应用.其中的Kintex-7 FPGA具有最高的性价比,其所组成的收发器从600 Mbps到最高的6.6 Gbps ,高达到28.05 Gbps,主要用在航空电子,LED背光的平板电视和3D TV,LTE基带,手持超声设备,多模式无线电,Prosumer数码单反照相机和视频IP网关.本文介绍了7系列FPGA主要特性, Kintex-7 FPGA系列主要特性和应用优势,以及评估板KC705主要特性,方框图, 评估板KC705主要元件, 配置电路图,详细电路图和材料清单.
2012-2-7 12:35:46 上传
Xilinx® 7 series FPGAs comprise three new FPGA families that address the complete range of system requirements, ranging from low cost, small form factor, cost-sensitive, high-volume applications to ultra high-end connectivity bandwidth, logic capacity, and signal processing capability for the most demanding high-performance applications. The 7 series devices are the programmable silicon foundation for Targeted Design Platforms that enable designers to focus on innovation from the outset of their development cycle. The 7 series FPGAs include:
• Artix™-7 Family: Optimized for lowest cost and power with small form-factor packaging for the highest volume applications.
• Kintex™-7 Family: Optimized for best price-performance with a 2X improvement compared to previous generation, enabling a new class of FPGAs.
• Virtex®-7 Family: Optimized for highest system performance and capacity with a 2X improvement in system performance. Highest capability devices enabled by stacked silicon interconnect (SSI) technology.
Built on a state-of-the-art, high-performance, low-power (HPL), 28 nm, high-k metal gate (HKMG) process technology, 7 series FPGAs enable an unparalleled increase in system performance with 2.9 Tb/s of I/O bandwidth, 2 million logic cell capacity, and 5.3 TMAC/s DSP, while consuming 50% less power than previous generation devices to offer a fully programmable alternative to ASSPs and ASICs. All 7 series devices share a unified fourthgeneration Advanced Silicon Modular Block (ASMBL™) column-based architecture that reduces system development and deployment time with simplified design portability.
• Advanced high-performance FPGA logic based on real 6-input lookup table (LUT) technology configurable as distributed memory.
• 36 Kb dual-port block RAM with built-in FIFO logic for on-chip data buffering.
• High-performance SelectIO™ technology with support for DDR3 interfaces up to 1,866 Mb/s.
• High-speed serial connectivity with built-in multi-gigabit transceivers from 600 Mb/s to maximum rates of 6.6 Gb/s up to 28.05 Gb/s, offering a special low-power mode, optimized for chip-to-chip interfaces.
• A user configurable analog interface (XADC), incorporating dual 12-bit 1MSPS analog-to-digital converters with on-chip thermal and supply sensors.
• DSP slices with 25 x 18 multiplier, 48-bit accumulator, and pre-adder for high performance filtering, including optimized symmetric coefficient filtering.
• Powerful clock management tiles (CMT), combining phase-locked loop (PLL) and mixed-mode clock manager (MMCM) blocks for high precision and low jitter.
• Integrated block for PCI Express® (PCIe), for up to x8 Gen3 Endpoint and Root Port designs.
• Wide variety of configuration options, including support for commodity memories, 256-bit AES encryption with HMAC/SHA-256 authentication, and built-in SEU detection and correction.
• Low-cost, wire-bond, lidless flip-chip, and high signal integrity flipchip packaging offering easy migration between family members in the same package. All packages available in Pb-free and selected packages in Pb option.
• Designed for high performance and lowest power with 28 nm, HKMG, HPL process, 1.0V core voltage process technology and 0.9V core voltage option for even lower power.
Kintex-7 FPGA系列主要特性:
2012-2-7 12:35:46 上传
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