Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB :This text is written for use in a second course in circuit analysis. The reader of this book should have the traditional undergraduate knowledge of an introductory circuit analysis material such as Circuit Analysis I with MATLAB® Applications by this author. Another prerequisite would be knowledge of differential equations, and in most cases, engineering students at this level have taken all required mathematics courses. It encompasses a spectrum of subjects ranging from the most abstract to the most practical, and the material can be covered in one semester or two quarters. Appendix B serves as a review of differential equations with emphasis on engineering related topics and it is recommended for readers who may need a review of this subject.
There are several textbooks on the subject that have been used for years. The material of this book is not new, and this author claims no originality of its content. This book was written to fit the needs of the average student. Moreover, it is not restricted to computer oriented circuit analysis. While it is true that there is a great demand for electrical and computer engineers, especially in the internet field, the demand also exists for power engineers to work in electric utility companies, and facility engineers to work in the industrial areas.
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