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电子发烧友网>电子资料下载>电子书籍>Distributed and Parallel Syste

Distributed and Parallel Syste

2009-07-11 | rar | 8028 | 次下载 | 免费


Preface ix
Part I Grid Systems
glogin - Interactive Connectivity for the Grid
Herbert Rosmanith and Jens Volkert
Parallel Program Execution Support in the JGrid System
Szabolcs Pota, Gergely Sipos, Zoltan Juhasz and Peter Kacsuk
VL-E: Approaches to Design a Grid-Based Virtual Laboratory
Vladimir Korkhov, Adam Belloum and L.O. Hertzberger
Scheduling and Resource Brokering within the Grid Visualization Kernel
Paul Heinzlreiter, Jens Volkert
Part II Cluster Technology
Message Passing vs. Virtual Shared Memory, a Performance Comparison
Wilfried N. Gansterer and Joachim Zottl
MPI-I/O with a Shared File Pointer Using a Parallel Virtual File System
Yuichi Tsujita
An Approach Toward MPI Applications in Wireless Networks
Elsa M. Macías, Alvaro Suárez, and Vaidy Sunderam
Deploying Applications in Multi-SAN SMP Clusters
Albano Alves, António Pina, José Exposto and José Rufino
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine!
Part III Programming Tools
Monitoring and Program Analysis Activities with DeWiz
Rene Kobler, Christian Schaubschläger, Bernhard Aichinger,
Dieter Kranzlmüller, and Jens Volkert
Integration of Formal Verification and Debugging Methods in
P-GRADE Environment
Róbert Lovas, Bertalan Vécsei
Tools for Scalable Parallel Program Analysis - Vampir NG and DeWiz
Holger Brunst, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Wolfgang E. Nagel
Process Migration In Clusters and Cluster Grids
József Kovács
Graphical Design of Parallel Programs With Control Based on Global
Application States Using an Extended P-GRADE Systems
M. Tudruj, J. Borkowski and D. Kopanski
Parallelization of a Quantum Scattering Code using P-GRADE
Ákos Bencsura and György Lendvay
Traffic Simulation in P-Grade as a Grid Service
T. Delaitre, A. Goyeneche, T. Kiss, G. Terstyanszky, N. Weingarten,
P. Maselino, A. Gourgoulis, and S. C. Winter.
Development of a Grid Enabled Chemistry Application
István Lagzi, Róbert Lovas, Tamás Turányi
Part V Applications
Supporting Native Applications in WebCom-G
John P. Morrison, Sunil John and David A. Power
Grid Solution for E-Marketplaces Integrated with Logistics
L. Bruckner and T. Kiss
Incremental Placement of Nodes in a Large-Scale Adaptive Distributed
Multimedia Server
Tibor Szkaliczki, Laszlo Boszormenyi
TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine!
Component Based Flight Simulation in DIS Systems
Krzysztof Mieloszyk, Bogdan Wiszniewski
Part VI Algorithms
Management of Communication Environments for Minimally Synchronous
Parallel ML
Frédéric Loulergue
Analysis of the Multi-Phase Copying Garbage Collection Algorithm
Norbert Podhorszki
A Concurrent Implementation of Simulated Annealing and Its Application
to the VRPTW Optimization Problem
Agnieszka Debudaj-Grabysz and Zbigniew J. Czech
Author Index 211

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