When VHDL first came out as an IEEE standard, it was thought to be sufficient to
model hardware designs. Reality proved to be a little different. Because it did not
have a predefined four-state logic type, each simulator and model vendor had to
create its own—and incompatible—logic type. This situation prompted the quick
creation of a group to create a standard multi-valued logic package for VHDL that
culminated with the 1164 standard. With such a package, models became
interoperable and simulators could be optimized to perform well-defined operations.
The authors of this book hope to create a similar standard for verification components
within the SystemVerilog language. The infrastructure elements specified in the
appendices can form the basis of a standard verification interface. If model vendors
use it to build their verification components, they will be immediately interoperable.
If simulator vendors optimize their implementation of the standard functions, the
runtime performances can be improved.
- SystemVerilog的正式验证和混合验证 24次下载
- OVM实现了可重用的验证平台
- AVM Based Unified Verification
- Functional Verification Coverage Measurement and Analysis 0次下载
- Creating An Efficient Verification Environment using Synopsy 0次下载
- SystemVerilog for verification 0次下载
- SystemVerilog的验证方法手册
- Verification Methodology Manua
- SystemVerilog写作测试平台的使用 0次下载
- Hardware Verification With Sys 0次下载
- SystemVerilog的断言手册
- SystemVerilog Assertion Handbo
- Advanced Verification Techniqu 0次下载
- Advanced Formal Verification 0次下载
- 分享一些SystemVerilog的coding guideline 727次阅读
- SystemVerilog在硬件设计部分有哪些优势 1325次阅读
- SystemVerilog的随机约束方法 1821次阅读
- 如何实现全面的SystemVerilog语法覆盖 616次阅读
- Formal Verification的基础知识 2739次阅读
- SystemVerilog中的Semaphores 3419次阅读
- SystemVerilog语言中的Upcasting和Downcasting概念解析 1531次阅读
- SystemVerilog中的Shallow Copy 939次阅读
- Systemverilog中的union 957次阅读
- SystemVerilog中的struct 2509次阅读
- SystemVerilog中的package 1292次阅读
- SystemVerilog中的操作方法 2941次阅读
- SystemVerilog中$cast的应用 2901次阅读
- Systemverilog event的示例 1599次阅读
- 《Reuse methodology manual》读书笔记:RTL编程指导 1842次阅读
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