The ADS1216 is a precision, wide dynamic range,
· 0.0015% INL delta-sigma, Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter with
· 22 BITS EFFECTIVE RESOLUTION 24-bit resolution operating from 2.7V to 5.25V
(PGA = 1), 19 BITS (PGA = 128) supplies. The delta-sigma A/D converter provides up to 24 bits of no-missing-code performance and an
· PGA FROM 1 TO 128 effective resolution of 22 bits.
· SINGLE-CYCLE SETTLING MODE The eight input channels are multiplexed. Internal
· PROGRAMMABLE DATA OUTPUT RATES: buffering can be selected to provide a very high input
up to 1kHz impedance for direct connection to transducers or
· ON-CHIP 1.25V/2.5V REFERENCE low-level voltage signals. Burnout current sources
are provided that allow for the detection of an open · EXTERNAL DIFFERENTIAL REFERENCE: or shorted sensor. An 8-bit Digital-to-Analog
0.1V to 2.5V Converter (DAC) provides an offset correction with a
· ON-CHIP CALIBRATION range of 50% of the FSR (Full-Scale Range).
· SPI™-COMPATIBLE The PGA (Programmable Gain Amplifier) provides
· 2.7V TO 5.25V selectable gains of 1 to 128 with an effective
· < 1mW POWER CONSUMPTION resolution of 19 bits at a gain of 128. The A/D
conversion is accomplished with a second-order
delta-sigma modulator and programmable sinc filter.
The reference input is differential and can be used
· INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL for ratiometric cancellation. The onboard current
· LIQUID/GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY DACs operate independently with the maximum
· BLOOD ANALYSIS current set by an external resistor.
· SMART TRANSMITTERS The serial interface is SPI-compatible. Eight bits of
· PORTABLE INSTRUMENTATION digital I/O are also provided that can be used for
· WEIGHT SCALES input or output. The ADS1216 is designed for
· PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS htriagnhs-rmeisttoelurst,ioninmduesatsruiarlempernotceaspspliccaotinotnrosl, in wsemigahrtt
scales, chromatography, and portable
· 0.0015% INL delta-sigma, Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter with
· 22 BITS EFFECTIVE RESOLUTION 24-bit resolution operating from 2.7V to 5.25V
(PGA = 1), 19 BITS (PGA = 128) supplies. The delta-sigma A/D converter provides up to 24 bits of no-missing-code performance and an
· PGA FROM 1 TO 128 effective resolution of 22 bits.
· SINGLE-CYCLE SETTLING MODE The eight input channels are multiplexed. Internal
· PROGRAMMABLE DATA OUTPUT RATES: buffering can be selected to provide a very high input
up to 1kHz impedance for direct connection to transducers or
· ON-CHIP 1.25V/2.5V REFERENCE low-level voltage signals. Burnout current sources
are provided that allow for the detection of an open · EXTERNAL DIFFERENTIAL REFERENCE: or shorted sensor. An 8-bit Digital-to-Analog
0.1V to 2.5V Converter (DAC) provides an offset correction with a
· ON-CHIP CALIBRATION range of 50% of the FSR (Full-Scale Range).
· SPI™-COMPATIBLE The PGA (Programmable Gain Amplifier) provides
· 2.7V TO 5.25V selectable gains of 1 to 128 with an effective
· < 1mW POWER CONSUMPTION resolution of 19 bits at a gain of 128. The A/D
conversion is accomplished with a second-order
delta-sigma modulator and programmable sinc filter.
The reference input is differential and can be used
· INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL for ratiometric cancellation. The onboard current
· LIQUID/GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY DACs operate independently with the maximum
· BLOOD ANALYSIS current set by an external resistor.
· SMART TRANSMITTERS The serial interface is SPI-compatible. Eight bits of
· PORTABLE INSTRUMENTATION digital I/O are also provided that can be used for
· WEIGHT SCALES input or output. The ADS1216 is designed for
· PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS htriagnhs-rmeisttoelurst,ioninmduesatsruiarlempernotceaspspliccaotinotnrosl, in wsemigahrtt
scales, chromatography, and portable
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