The TC2014, TC2015 and TC2185 are high-accuracy
(typically ±0.4%) CMOS upgrades for bipolar low dropout
regulators, such as the LP2980. Total supply current
is typically 55 μA; 20 to 60 times lower than in
bipolar regulators.
The key features of the device include low noise operation
(plus bypass reference), low dropout voltage
– typically 45 mV for the TC2014, 90 mV for the
TC2015, and 140 mV for the TC2185, at full load – and
fast response to step changes in load. Supply current
is reduced to 0.5 μA (max) and VOUT falls to zero when
the shutdown input is low. The devices also incorporate
over-current protection.
The TC2014, TC2015 and TC2185 are stable with an
output capacitor of 1 μF and have a maximum output
current of 50 mA, 100 mA and 150 mA, respectively.
For higher output versions, see the TC1107
(DS21356), TC1108 (DS21357) and TC1173
(DS21362) (IOUT = 300 mA) datasheets.
Related Literature
• Application Notes: AN765, AN766, AN776 and
Typical Application
(typically ±0.4%) CMOS upgrades for bipolar low dropout
regulators, such as the LP2980. Total supply current
is typically 55 μA; 20 to 60 times lower than in
bipolar regulators.
The key features of the device include low noise operation
(plus bypass reference), low dropout voltage
– typically 45 mV for the TC2014, 90 mV for the
TC2015, and 140 mV for the TC2185, at full load – and
fast response to step changes in load. Supply current
is reduced to 0.5 μA (max) and VOUT falls to zero when
the shutdown input is low. The devices also incorporate
over-current protection.
The TC2014, TC2015 and TC2185 are stable with an
output capacitor of 1 μF and have a maximum output
current of 50 mA, 100 mA and 150 mA, respectively.
For higher output versions, see the TC1107
(DS21356), TC1108 (DS21357) and TC1173
(DS21362) (IOUT = 300 mA) datasheets.
Related Literature
• Application Notes: AN765, AN766, AN776 and
Typical Application
更多 >
- 松下TC-2185彩电电路图
- TC3682/TC3683/TC3684 pdf datas
- TC4423/TC4424/TC4425 pdf datas
- TC4426/TC4427/TC4428 pdf datas
- TC4053/TC4052/TC4051 pdf datas
- TC2682/TC2683/TC2684 pdf datas
- TC1014/TC1015/TC1185 pdf datas
- TC1037/TC1038/TC1039 pdf datas
- TC1054/TC1055/TC1186 pdf datas
- TC1070/TC1071/TC1187 pdf datas
- TC1275/TC1276/TC1277 pdf datas
- TC1426/TC1427/TC1428 pdf datas
- TC1682/TC1683/TC1684 pdf datas
- TC2014/TC2015/TC2185中文资料
- TC2054/TC2055/TC2186 pdf Datas
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