The L297/A/D Stepper Motor Controller IC generates
four phase drive signals for two phase bipolar
and four phase unipolar step motors in microcomputer-
controlled applications. The motor can be
driven in half step, normal and wawe drive modes
and on-chip PWM chopper circuits permit switchmode
control of the current in the windings. A feature of this device is that it requires only clock,
direction and mode input signals. Since the phase
are generated internally the burden on the microprocessor,
and theprogrammer, is greatlyreduced.
Mounted in DIP20 and SO20 packages, the L297
can be used with monolithic bridge drives such as
the L298N or L293E, or with discrete transistors
and darlingtons.
four phase drive signals for two phase bipolar
and four phase unipolar step motors in microcomputer-
controlled applications. The motor can be
driven in half step, normal and wawe drive modes
and on-chip PWM chopper circuits permit switchmode
control of the current in the windings. A feature of this device is that it requires only clock,
direction and mode input signals. Since the phase
are generated internally the burden on the microprocessor,
and theprogrammer, is greatlyreduced.
Mounted in DIP20 and SO20 packages, the L297
can be used with monolithic bridge drives such as
the L298N or L293E, or with discrete transistors
and darlingtons.
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