The VRS51L2070 is a high performance, 8051-based microcontroller
coupled with a fully integrated array of peripherals for addressing a
broad range of embedded design applications.
Based on a powerful 40-MIPS, single-cycle, 8051 microprocessor,
the VRS51L2070’s memory sub-system features 64KB of Flash
and 4352 bytes of SRAM.
Support peripherals include a hardware based arithmetic unit
capable of performing complex mathematical operations, JTAG
interface used for Flash programming and non-intrusive in-circuit
debugging/emulation, a precision internal oscillator (2% accuracy)
and a watchdog timer.
Communication and control of external devices is facilitated via an
assortment of digital peripherals such as an enhanced, fully
configurable SPI bus, an I²C interface, dual UARTs with dedicated
baud rate generators, 8 PWM controllers, 3 16-bit timers and 2 pulse
width counter modules.
The VRS51L2070 is powered by a 3.3 volt supply, can function
over the industrial temperature range, and is available in a
QFP-64 package (See VRS51L2170 datasheet for PLCC/QFP-44
packages - pin compatible with the industry standard 8051
microcontroller footprint/pin-out).
coupled with a fully integrated array of peripherals for addressing a
broad range of embedded design applications.
Based on a powerful 40-MIPS, single-cycle, 8051 microprocessor,
the VRS51L2070’s memory sub-system features 64KB of Flash
and 4352 bytes of SRAM.
Support peripherals include a hardware based arithmetic unit
capable of performing complex mathematical operations, JTAG
interface used for Flash programming and non-intrusive in-circuit
debugging/emulation, a precision internal oscillator (2% accuracy)
and a watchdog timer.
Communication and control of external devices is facilitated via an
assortment of digital peripherals such as an enhanced, fully
configurable SPI bus, an I²C interface, dual UARTs with dedicated
baud rate generators, 8 PWM controllers, 3 16-bit timers and 2 pulse
width counter modules.
The VRS51L2070 is powered by a 3.3 volt supply, can function
over the industrial temperature range, and is available in a
QFP-64 package (See VRS51L2170 datasheet for PLCC/QFP-44
packages - pin compatible with the industry standard 8051
microcontroller footprint/pin-out).
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