Samsung's S3C4510B 16/32-bit RISC microcontroller is a cost-effective, high-performance microcontroller
solution for Ethernet-based systems. An integrated Ethernet controller, the S3C4510B, is designed for use in
managed communication hubs and routers.
The S3C4510B is built around an outstanding CPU core: the 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI RISC processor designed by
Advanced RISC Machines, Ltd. The ARM7TDMI core is a low-power, general purpose microprocessor macro-cell
that was developed for use in application-specific and custom-specific integrated circuits. Its simple, elegant, and
fully static design is particularly suitable for cost-sensitive and power-sensitive applications.
The S3C4510B offers a configurable 8K-byte unified cache/SRAM and Ethernet controller which reduces total
system cost. Most of the on-chip function blocks have been designed using an HDL synthesizer and the
S3C4510B has been fully verified in Samsung's state-of-the-art ASIC test environment.
Important peripheral functions include two HDLC channels with buffer descriptor, two UART channels, 2-channel
GDMA, two 32-bit timers, and 18 programmable I/O ports. On-board logic includes an interrupt controller, DRAM/
SDRAM controller, and a controller for ROM/SRAM and flash memory. The System Manager includes an internal
32-bit system bus arbiter and an external memory controller.
solution for Ethernet-based systems. An integrated Ethernet controller, the S3C4510B, is designed for use in
managed communication hubs and routers.
The S3C4510B is built around an outstanding CPU core: the 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI RISC processor designed by
Advanced RISC Machines, Ltd. The ARM7TDMI core is a low-power, general purpose microprocessor macro-cell
that was developed for use in application-specific and custom-specific integrated circuits. Its simple, elegant, and
fully static design is particularly suitable for cost-sensitive and power-sensitive applications.
The S3C4510B offers a configurable 8K-byte unified cache/SRAM and Ethernet controller which reduces total
system cost. Most of the on-chip function blocks have been designed using an HDL synthesizer and the
S3C4510B has been fully verified in Samsung's state-of-the-art ASIC test environment.
Important peripheral functions include two HDLC channels with buffer descriptor, two UART channels, 2-channel
GDMA, two 32-bit timers, and 18 programmable I/O ports. On-board logic includes an interrupt controller, DRAM/
SDRAM controller, and a controller for ROM/SRAM and flash memory. The System Manager includes an internal
32-bit system bus arbiter and an external memory controller.
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- μClinux在S3C4510B上的移植
- 基于uCLinux和S3C4510B的网络通信设计
- s3c4510b中文手册,s3c4510b用户手册
- 基于S3C4510B的应用系统设计与调试
- 应用系统开发详解_基于S3C4510B的系统设计
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- 1TC358743XBG评估板参考手册
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