The OV9620 (color) and OV9120 (black and white) are highperformance
1.3 mega-pixel CameraChips for digital still
image and video camera products.
Both devices incorporate a 1280x1024(SXGA) image array
and an on-chip 10-bit A/D converter capable of operating at
up to 15 frames per second (FPS) with full resolution.
Proprietary sensor technology utilizes advanced algorithms
to cancel Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN), eliminate smearing, and
drastically reduce blooming. The control registers allow for
flexible control of timing, polarity, and CameraChip operation,
which in turn allow the engineer a great deal of freedom in
product design.
Optical Black Level Calibration
Video or Snapshot Operations
Programmable/Auto Exposure and Gain Control
Programmable/Auto White Balance Control
Horizontal & Vertical Sub-sampling (4:2 & 4:2)
Programmable Image Windowing
Variable Frame Rate Control
On-Chip R/G/B Channel and Luminance Average Counter
Internal/External Frame Synchronization
SCCB Slave Interface
Power on Reset and Power Down Mode
The OV9620 (color) and OV9120 (black and white) are highperformance
1.3 mega-pixel CameraChips for digital still
image and video camera products.
Both devices incorporate a 1280x1024(SXGA) image array
and an on-chip 10-bit A/D converter capable of operating at
up to 15 frames per second (FPS) with full resolution.
Proprietary sensor technology utilizes advanced algorithms
to cancel Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN), eliminate smearing, and
drastically reduce blooming. The control registers allow for
flexible control of timing, polarity, and CameraChip operation,
which in turn allow the engineer a great deal of freedom in
product design.
Optical Black Level Calibration
Video or Snapshot Operations
Programmable/Auto Exposure and Gain Control
Programmable/Auto White Balance Control
Horizontal & Vertical Sub-sampling (4:2 & 4:2)
Programmable Image Windowing
Variable Frame Rate Control
On-Chip R/G/B Channel and Luminance Average Counter
Internal/External Frame Synchronization
SCCB Slave Interface
Power on Reset and Power Down Mode
更多 >
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- CMOS图像传感器OV5640用户手册.pdf 52次下载
- 基于AN9620模拟到数字转换的参考设计
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- ov7620__datasheet_数据手册_说明书 20次下载
- OV2715_CSP3数据手册 5次下载
- 黑白CMOS图像传感器OV9120的原理及应用
- RCA-00-A pdf datasheet
- MAX9119, MAX9120 pdf datasheet
- OV6630/OV6130 pdf datasheet
- OV511 pdf datasheet (low cost
- OV6620/OV6120 pdf datasheet (S
- OV7610/OV7110 pdf datasheet (S
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- 微雪电子OV5640摄像头模块A型简介 5878次阅读
- 微雪电子OV5640 摄像头模块C型简介 2916次阅读
- 微雪电子OV7670数码摄像头模块简介 4344次阅读
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- 751单片机PM2.5检测系统程序
- 0.83 MB | 2次下载 | 免费
- 8基于51单片机的RGB调色灯程序仿真
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- 3接口电路图大全
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- 4开关电源设计实例指南
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- 5电气工程师手册免费下载(新编第二版pdf电子书)
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