The SN54/74LS90, SN54/74LS92 and SN54/74LS93 are high-speed
4-bit ripple type counters partitioned into two sections. Each counter has a divide-
by-two section and either a divide-by-five (LS90), divide-by-six (LS92) or
divide-by-eight (LS93) section which are triggered by a HIGH-to-LOW transition
on the clock inputs. Each section can be used separately or tied together
(Q to CP) to form BCD, bi-quinary, modulo-12, or modulo-16 counters. All of
the counters have a 2-input gated Master Reset (Clear), and the LS90 also
has a 2-input gated Master Set (Preset 9).
• Low Power Consumption . . . Typically 45 mW
• High Count Rates . . . Typically 42 MHz
• Choice of Counting Modes . . . BCD, Bi-Quinary, Divide-by-Twelve,
• Input Clamp Diodes Limit High Speed Termination Effects
4-bit ripple type counters partitioned into two sections. Each counter has a divide-
by-two section and either a divide-by-five (LS90), divide-by-six (LS92) or
divide-by-eight (LS93) section which are triggered by a HIGH-to-LOW transition
on the clock inputs. Each section can be used separately or tied together
(Q to CP) to form BCD, bi-quinary, modulo-12, or modulo-16 counters. All of
the counters have a 2-input gated Master Reset (Clear), and the LS90 also
has a 2-input gated Master Set (Preset 9).
• Low Power Consumption . . . Typically 45 mW
• High Count Rates . . . Typically 42 MHz
• Choice of Counting Modes . . . BCD, Bi-Quinary, Divide-by-Twelve,
• Input Clamp Diodes Limit High Speed Termination Effects
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