The ADS1286 is a 12-bit, 20kHz analog-to-digital
converter with a differential input and sample and hold
amplifier and consumes only 250mA of supply current.
The ADS1286 offers an SPI and SSI compatible
serial interface for communications over a two or three
wire interface. The combination of a serial two wire
interface and micropower consumption makes the
ADS1286 ideal for remote applications and for those
requiring isolation.
The ADS1286 is available in a 8-pin plastic mini DIP
and a 8-lead SOIC.
converter with a differential input and sample and hold
amplifier and consumes only 250mA of supply current.
The ADS1286 offers an SPI and SSI compatible
serial interface for communications over a two or three
wire interface. The combination of a serial two wire
interface and micropower consumption makes the
ADS1286 ideal for remote applications and for those
requiring isolation.
The ADS1286 is available in a 8-pin plastic mini DIP
and a 8-lead SOIC.
更多 >
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