The HFA1112 is a closed loop Buffer featuring user
programmable gain and ultra high speed performance.
Manufactured on Intersil’s proprietary complementary
bipolar UHF-1 process, these devices offer a wide -3dB
bandwidth of 850MHz, very fast slew rate, excellent gain
flatness, low distortion and high output current.
A unique feature of the pinout allows the user to select a
voltage gain of +1, -1, or +2, without the use of any external
components. Gain selection is accomplished via
connections to the inputs, as described in the “Application
Information” section. The result is a more flexible product,
fewer part types in inventory, and more efficient use of board
Compatibility with existing op amp pinouts provides flexibility
to upgrade low gain amplifiers, while decreasing component
count. Unlike most buffers, the standard pinout provides an
upgrade path should a higher closed loop gain be needed at
a future date.
This amplifier is available with programmable output limiting
as the HFA1113. For applications requiring a standard buffer
pinout, please refer to the HFA1110 data sheet.
programmable gain and ultra high speed performance.
Manufactured on Intersil’s proprietary complementary
bipolar UHF-1 process, these devices offer a wide -3dB
bandwidth of 850MHz, very fast slew rate, excellent gain
flatness, low distortion and high output current.
A unique feature of the pinout allows the user to select a
voltage gain of +1, -1, or +2, without the use of any external
components. Gain selection is accomplished via
connections to the inputs, as described in the “Application
Information” section. The result is a more flexible product,
fewer part types in inventory, and more efficient use of board
Compatibility with existing op amp pinouts provides flexibility
to upgrade low gain amplifiers, while decreasing component
count. Unlike most buffers, the standard pinout provides an
upgrade path should a higher closed loop gain be needed at
a future date.
This amplifier is available with programmable output limiting
as the HFA1113. For applications requiring a standard buffer
pinout, please refer to the HFA1110 data sheet.
更多 >
- 框图:AS1112_BD000250_1-00.png
- RoHS认证:AS1112_RC000256_1-00.pdf
- BGD714 datasheet,pdf(750 MHz,
- BGD802 datasheet,pdf(860 MHz,
- BGY885A datasheet,pdf(860 MHz,
- BGY888 datasheet,pdf(860 MHz,
- MAX2051,pdf,datasheet (Up/Down
- MAX9984 pdf datasheet (Downcon
- HFA5250 pdf datasheet (500MHz,
- HFA1110 pdf datasheet (750MHz,
- HFA1100 pdf datasheet (850MHz,
- HFA-0005 pdf datasheet (High S
- HFA-0002 pdf datasheet (Low No
- HFA-0001 pdf datasheet (Ultra
- HFA1113 pdf datasheet(850MHz,
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