The LMV2011 is a new precision amplifier that offers unprecedented
accuracy and stability at an affordable price and
is offered in miniature (SOT23-5) package and in 8 lead SOIC
package. This device utilizes patented techniques to measure
and continually correct the input offset error voltage. The result
is an amplifier which is ultra stable over time and temperature.
It has excellent CMRR and PSRR ratings, and does
not exhibit the familiar 1/f voltage and current noise increase
that plagues traditional amplifiers. The combination of the
LMV2011 characteristics makes it a good choice for transducer
amplifiers, high gain configurations, ADC buffer amplifiers,
DAC I-V conversion, and any other 2.7V-5V application
requiring precision and long term stability.
accuracy and stability at an affordable price and
is offered in miniature (SOT23-5) package and in 8 lead SOIC
package. This device utilizes patented techniques to measure
and continually correct the input offset error voltage. The result
is an amplifier which is ultra stable over time and temperature.
It has excellent CMRR and PSRR ratings, and does
not exhibit the familiar 1/f voltage and current noise increase
that plagues traditional amplifiers. The combination of the
LMV2011 characteristics makes it a good choice for transducer
amplifiers, high gain configurations, ADC buffer amplifiers,
DAC I-V conversion, and any other 2.7V-5V application
requiring precision and long term stability.
更多 >
- LMV2011高精度轨到轨输出运算放大器数据表
- HM72B pdf,datasheet
- AIC1748 datasheet,pdf(High PSR
- AIC1565 datasheet,pdf(High-Eff
- LMV7235/LMV7239,pdf datasheet
- LMV7219,pdf datasheet (7 nsec,
- LMV112pdf datasheet (40 MHz D
- LMV793/LMV794,pdf datasheet (8
- LMV791/LMV792,pdf datasheet (A
- LMV796/LMV797,pdf datasheet (1
- LMV751,pdf datasheet (Low Nois
- LMV721/LMV722,pdf datasheet (1
- LMV712,pdf datasheet (Operatio
- LMV861/LMV862,pdf datasheet (3
- LMV358 pdf,LMV358 datasheet
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