The MAX5970 dual hot-swap controller provides complete protection for systems with two supply voltages from 0V to +16V. The MAX5970 includes four programmable LED outputs. The two hot-swap channels can be configured to operate as independent hot-swap controllers, or as a pair operating together so that both channels shut down if either channel experiences a fault.
The MAX5970 provides two programmable levels of overcurrent circuit-breaker protection: a fast-trip threshold for a fast turn-off, and a lower slow-trip threshold for a delayed turn-off. The maximum overcurrent circuit-breaker threshold range is set independently for each channel with a trilevel logic input IRNG_, or by programming though the I²C interface.
The MAX5970 is an advanced hot-swap controller that monitors voltage and current with an internal 10-bit ADC which is continuously multiplexed to convert the output voltage and current of both hot-swap channels at 10ksps. Each 10-bit sample is stored in an internal circular buffer so that 50 past samples of each signal can be read back through the I²C interface at any time or after a fault condition.
The device includes five user-programmable digital comparators per hot-swap channel to implement overcurrent warning and two levels of overvoltage/undervoltage detection. When any of the measured values violates the programmable limits, an external active-low ALERT output is asserted. In addition to the active-low ALERT signal, the MAX5970 can be programmed to deassert the power-good signal and/or turn off the external MOSFET.
The MAX5970 features four I/Os that can be independently configured as general-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs) or as open-drain LED drivers with programmable blinking. These four I/Os can be configured for any mix of LED driver or GPIO function.
The MAX5970 is available in a 36-pin thin QFN-EP package and operates over the -40°C to +85°C extended temperature range.
The MAX5970 provides two programmable levels of overcurrent circuit-breaker protection: a fast-trip threshold for a fast turn-off, and a lower slow-trip threshold for a delayed turn-off. The maximum overcurrent circuit-breaker threshold range is set independently for each channel with a trilevel logic input IRNG_, or by programming though the I²C interface.
The MAX5970 is an advanced hot-swap controller that monitors voltage and current with an internal 10-bit ADC which is continuously multiplexed to convert the output voltage and current of both hot-swap channels at 10ksps. Each 10-bit sample is stored in an internal circular buffer so that 50 past samples of each signal can be read back through the I²C interface at any time or after a fault condition.
The device includes five user-programmable digital comparators per hot-swap channel to implement overcurrent warning and two levels of overvoltage/undervoltage detection. When any of the measured values violates the programmable limits, an external active-low ALERT output is asserted. In addition to the active-low ALERT signal, the MAX5970 can be programmed to deassert the power-good signal and/or turn off the external MOSFET.
The MAX5970 features four I/Os that can be independently configured as general-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs) or as open-drain LED drivers with programmable blinking. These four I/Os can be configured for any mix of LED driver or GPIO function.
The MAX5970 is available in a 36-pin thin QFN-EP package and operates over the -40°C to +85°C extended temperature range.
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