The products in this manual are controlled based on Japan’s “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law”。 The export of from Japan subject to an export license by the government of Japan. Other models in this manual may also be subject to export controls. Further, re-export to another country may be subject to the license of the government of the country from where the product is re-exported. Furthermore, the product may also be controlled by re-export regulations of the United States government. Should you wish to export or re-export these products, please contact FANUC for advice.In this manual we have tried as much as possible to describe all the various matters. However, we cannot describe all the matters which must not be done, or which cannot be done, because there are so many possibilities. Therefore, matters which are not especially described as possible in this manual should be regarded as ”impossible”。
This manual includes safety precautions for protecting the user and preventing damage to the machine. Precautions are classified into Warning and Caution according to their bearing on safety. Also, supplementary information is described as a Note. Read the Warning, Caution, and Note thoroughly before attempting to use the machine.
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