During the course of my career, I have had the privilege to work with many
excellent digital design engineers. My exposure to these talented engineers began
at Medtronic and continued over the years through my work as a consultant for
companies such as Honeywell, Guidant, Teradyne, Telex, Unisys, AMD, ADC,
and a number of smaller/start-up companies involved with a wide variety of
FPGA applications. I also owe much of my knowledge to the appnotes and white
papers published by the major FPGA vendors. These resources contain invaluable
real-world heuristics that are not included in a standard engineering curriculum.
Specific to this book, I owe a great deal to Xilinx and Synplicity, both of
which provided the FPGA design tools used throughout the book, as well as a
number of key reviewers. Reviewers of note also include Peter Calabrese of
Synplicity, Cliff Cummins of Sunburst Design, Pete Danile of Synplicity, Anders
Enggaard of Axcon, Mike Fette of Spectrum Design Solutions, Philip Freidin of
Fliptronics, Paul Fuchs of NuHorizons, Don Hodapp of Xilinx, Ashok Kulkarni of
Synplicity, Rod Landers of Spectrum Design Solutions, Ryan Link of Logic,
Dave Matthews of Verein, Lance Roman of Roman-Jones, B. Joshua Rosen of
Polybus, Gary Stevens of iSine, Jim Torgerson, and Larry Weegman of Xilinx.
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