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电子发烧友网>电子资料下载>消费电子>产品手册>Miniature Dimmable 26W Ballast

Miniature Dimmable 26W Ballast

2010-02-25 | rar | 444 | 次下载 | 3积分


The IRPLDIM4E Reference Design is a miniature dimmable electronic ballast for driving
26W compact fluorescent lamps from a 220VAC line. The circuit provides all of the
necessary functions for preheat, ignition, and dimming control of the lamp and also
includes the EMI filter and AC rectification stage. The ballast size is 1.42in x 2.44in
(36mm x 62mm).
The circuit is designed around the IRS2530D(S)PbF DIM8TM Ballast Control IC. The
IRS2530D includes adjustable preheat time, frequency sweeping for filament preheating
and lamp ignition, a dimming reference and feedback input, a high soft-start frequency to
avoid lamp flash, lamp and ballast fault protection for open filament condition, failure to
strike, and no lamp fault conditions, automatic restart during lamp exchange, and, low
AC line protection. The IRS2530D is simple to use, has only 8 pins, and drastically
reduces component count for a complete dimming solution.





  1. 1电子电路原理第七版PDF电子教材免费下载
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  3. 2单片机典型实例介绍
  4. 18.19 MB  |  92次下载  |  1 积分
  5. 3S7-200PLC编程实例详细资料
  6. 1.17 MB  |  27次下载  |  1 积分
  7. 4笔记本电脑主板的元件识别和讲解说明
  8. 4.28 MB  |  18次下载  |  4 积分
  9. 5开关电源原理及各功能电路详解
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  11. 6基于AT89C2051/4051单片机编程器的实验
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  13. 7蓝牙设备在嵌入式领域的广泛应用
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  15. 89天练会电子电路识图
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