8-Lead LLP Thermal Performance and Design Guidelines
The new leadless leadframe package (LLP) provides significantly
increased power dissipation capability in a tiny
surface-mount package. The key feature of the LLP is that it
has a center metal area located directly below the die which
allows a direct path for heat to flow out, providing very low
thermal resistance. When this pad is connected to PC board
copper to provide heatsinking, values of total thermal resistance
(junction-to-ambient) below 40°C/W can be obtained in
still air environments.
Modelling Assumptions
The data listed in this application note is derived from finite
element modelling in which the following assumptions are
1. DAP (die attach paddle) size = 3.0 mm x 2.2 mm
2. Die size = 2.11 mm x 1.63 mm
3. Package size = 4.0 mm x 4.0 mm x 0.75 mm
4. Power Dissipation = 1W
5. Thermal Vias (0.3 mm diameter) = 8
The new leadless leadframe package (LLP) provides significantly
increased power dissipation capability in a tiny
surface-mount package. The key feature of the LLP is that it
has a center metal area located directly below the die which
allows a direct path for heat to flow out, providing very low
thermal resistance. When this pad is connected to PC board
copper to provide heatsinking, values of total thermal resistance
(junction-to-ambient) below 40°C/W can be obtained in
still air environments.
Modelling Assumptions
The data listed in this application note is derived from finite
element modelling in which the following assumptions are
1. DAP (die attach paddle) size = 3.0 mm x 2.2 mm
2. Die size = 2.11 mm x 1.63 mm
3. Package size = 4.0 mm x 4.0 mm x 0.75 mm
4. Power Dissipation = 1W
5. Thermal Vias (0.3 mm diameter) = 8
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