INTRODUCTION The AMIS−30624/NCV70624 is a single−chip micro−stepping motor driver with a position controller and control/diagnostic interface. It is ready to build intelligent peripheral systems where up to 32 drivers can be connected to one I2C master. This significantly reduces system complexity. The chip receives positioning instructions through the bus and subsequently drives the stator coils so the two−phase stepper motor moves to the desired position. The on−chip position controller is configurable (OTP or RAM) for different motor types, positioning ranges and parameters for speed, acceleration and deceleration. Micro−stepping allows silent motor operation and increased positioning resolution. The advanced motion qualification mode enables verification of the complete mechanical system in function of the selected motion parameters. The AMIS−30624/NCV70624 can easily be connected to an I2C bus where the I2C master can fetch specific status information like actual position, error flags, etc. from each individual slave node. An integrated sensorless step−loss detection prevents the positioner from loosing steps and stops the motor when running into stall. This enables silent, yet accurate position calibrations during a referencing run and allows semi−closed loop operation when approaching the mechanical end−stops. The chip is implemented in I2T100 technology, enabling both high voltage analog circuitry and digital functionality on the same chip. The NCV70624 is fully compatible with the automotive voltage requirements.
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