The AD9203W is a monolithic low power, single supply, 10-bit, 40 MSPS analog-to-digital converter, with an on-chip voltage reference. The AD9203W uses a multistage differential pipeline architecture and guarantees no missing codes over the full operating temperature range. Its input range may be adjusted between 1 V and 2 V p-p. The AD9203W has an onboard programmable reference. An external reference can also be chosen to suit the dc accuracy and temperature drift requirements of an application. An external resistor can be used to reduce power consumption when operating at lower sampling rates. This yields power savings for users who do not require the maximum sample rate. This feature is especially useful at sample rates far below 40 MSPS. Excellent performance is still achieved at reduced power. For example, 9.7 ENOB performance may be realized with only 17 mW of power, using a 5 MHz clock. A single clock input is used to control all internal conversion cycles. The digital output data is presented in straight binary or twos complementary output format by using the DFS pin. An out-of-range signal (OTR) indicates an overflow condition that can be used with the most significant bit to determine over- or underrange. The AD9203W can operate with a supply range from 2.7 V to 3.6 V, an attractive option for low power operation in high speed portable applications. The AD9203W is specified over industrial (−40°C to +85°C) temperature ranges and is available in a 28-lead TSSOP package.
- ADS5270高性能、40MSPS、8通道模数转换器(ADC)数据表
- ADS5240高性能、40MSPS、4通道模数转换器(ADC)数据表
- 模数转换器AD9203数据手册 17次下载
- AD9203W 10位、40 MSPS、3 V、74 mW模数转换器
- AD9218:10位、40/65/80/105 MSPS 3 V双模数转换器数据表
- AD9204:10位,20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS,1.8 V双模数转换器数据表
- ADW12001:14位、40 MSPS双模数转换器数据表
- AD9231:12位、20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS,1.8 V双模数转换器数据表
- AD9251:14位,20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS,1.8 V双模数转换器数据表
- AD9257:8通道、14位、40/65 MSPS串行LVDS 1.8 V模数转换器
- AD9649: 14位、20/40/65/80MSPS、1.8 V模数转换器
- AD9269:16位、20/40/65/80 MSPS、1.8 V双通道模数转换器
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