The ADE77531 features proprietary ADCs and DSP for high accuracy over large variations in environmental conditions and time. The ADE7753 incorporates two second-order 16-bit -Δ ADCs, a digital integrator (on CH1), reference circuitry, temperature sensor, and all the signal processing required to perform active, reactive, and apparent energy measurements, line-voltage period measurement, and rms calculation on the voltage and current. The selectable on-chip digital integrator provides direct interface to di/dt current sensors such as Rogowski coils, eliminating the need for an external analog integrator and resulting in excellent long-term stability and precise phase matching between the current and voltage channels. The ADE7753 provides a serial interface to read data, and a pulse output frequency (CF), which is proportional to the active power. Various system calibration features, i.e., channel offset correction, phase calibration, and power calibration, ensure high accuracy. The part also detects short duration low or high voltage variations. The positive-only accumulation mode gives the option to accumulate energy only when positive power is detected. An internal no-load threshold ensures that the part does not exhibit any creep when there is no load. The zero-crossing output (ZX) produces a pulse that is synchronized to the zero-crossing point of the line voltage. This signal is used internally in the line cycle active and apparent energy accumulation modes, which enables faster calibration. The interrupt status register indicates the nature of the interrupt, and the interrupt enable register controls which event produces an output on the IRQ pin, an open-drain, active low logic output. The ADE7753 is available in a 20-lead SSOP package.
- ADE7753 ADE7763评估板软件
- EVADE7753 ADE7753 评估板
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- ade7753中文资料 (数字电度表芯片)
- ADE7755高精度电能计量电路
- ADE7753.pdf
- 什么是集成电路?有哪些类型? 1062次阅读
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- 集成电路的作用和功能 4055次阅读
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- 如何使用CMOS集成电路进行单电源接口电路的设计 4735次阅读
- 基于CMOS集成电路的单电源接口电路设计 1745次阅读
- 浅谈集成电路的功能安全 5231次阅读
- 集成电路中缓冲器的作用 2.5w次阅读
- 做智能家居必须懂集成传感器与MEMS 2109次阅读
- 光敏集成传感器应用电路 7033次阅读
- KTY温度传感器接口电路图 5114次阅读
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- 铂电阻温度传感器的接口电路 2876次阅读
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- 1TC358743XBG评估板参考手册
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