The ADG1411/ADG1412/ADG1413 are monolithic complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices containing four independently selectable switches designed on an iCMOS® process. iCMOS (industrial CMOS) is a modular manufacturing process combining high voltage CMOS and bipolar technologies. It enables the development of a wide range of high performance analog ICs capable of 33 V operation in a footprint that no previous generation of high voltage devices has been able to achieve. Unlike analog ICs using conventional CMOS processes, iCMOS components can tolerate high supply voltages while providing increased performance, dramatically lower power consumption, and reduced package size. The on-resistance profile is very flat over the full analog input range, ensuring excellent linearity and low distortion when switching signals. iCMOS construction ensures ultralow power dissipation, making the devices ideally suited for portable and batterypowered instruments. The ADG1411/ADG1412/ADG1413 contain four independent single-pole/single-throw (SPST) switches. The ADG1411 and ADG1412 differ only in that the digital control logic is inverted. The ADG1411 switches are turned on with Logic 0 on the appropriate control input, whereas the ADG1412 switches are turned on with Logic 1. The ADG1413 has two switches with digital control logic similar to that of the ADG1411; the logic is inverted on the other two switches. Each switch conducts equally well in both directions when on and has an input signal range that extends to the supplies. In the off condition, signal levels up to the supplies are blocked. The ADG1413 exhibits break-before-make switching action for use in multiplexer applications. Inherent in the design is low charge injection, which results in minimum transients when the digital inputs are switched.
- ADG611/ADG612/ADG613:1 PC电荷注入,100 pA漏电,CMOS,±5V/5V/3V,四路SPST开关数据表
- ADG741/ADG742:SC-70封装中的CMOS低压SPST开关数据表
- ADG714/ADG715:CMOS、低压串控、八进制SPST开关数据表
- ADG1411/ADG1412/ADG1413:1.5Ω导通电阻,±15 V/+12 V/±5 V,iCMOS,四路单掷开关数据表
- ADG201S:高速四路SPST CMOS模拟开关航天数据表
- ADG1211/ADG1212/ADG1213:低电容、低电荷注入、±15 V/+12 V<em>I</em>CMOS;四路SPST开关数据表
- ADG1412 SPICE Macro Model
- ADG1411 SPICE Macro Model
- ADG1413 SPICE Macro Model
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- 高压闭锁四路SPST开关adg5212/adg5213数据表 10次下载
- 1Ω典型性四路SPST开关adg1611/adg1612/adg1613数据表 13次下载
- 2.1Ω电阻iCMOS双SPST开关ADG1421/ADG1422/ADG1423数据表 10次下载
- ADG1411/ADG1412/ADG1413,pdf da
- ADG1411/ADG1412/ADG1413,pdf da
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