LED TV: Technology Overview and the DLP Advantage:This white paper will discuss Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology and its impact on television applications. It will highlight the advantages and challenges for these applications and will explore the specific advantages that LED technology has for DLP® product applications.
The LED has become a pivotal illumination technology with a wide variety of applications. Since their initial invention, LEDs have been used in many diverse applications such as watches, calculators, remote controls, indicator lights, and backlights for many common gadgets and household devices. The technology is advancing at a rapid pace and new applications continue to emerge as the brightness and efficiency of LEDs increase.
The LED has become a pivotal illumination technology with a wide variety of applications. Since their initial invention, LEDs have been used in many diverse applications such as watches, calculators, remote controls, indicator lights, and backlights for many common gadgets and household devices. The technology is advancing at a rapid pace and new applications continue to emerge as the brightness and efficiency of LEDs increase.
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