There are several methods available for interfacing 1-WireTM devices such as the DS18B20, DS18S20 orDS1822 to a microcontroller. These methods rangefrom simple software solutions, to using a SerialInterface chip such as the DS2480B, to incorporatingDallas Semiconductor’s VHDL 1-Wire TM MasterController in a custom ASIC. This article introducesthe user tothesimplest possible software solution forbasic 1-WireTMcommunicationbetweenamicrocontroller and any number of DS18x20 orDS1822 temperature sensors.
There are several methods available for interfacing 1-WireTM devices such as the DS18B20, DS18S20 orDS1822 to a microcontroller. These methods rangefrom simple software solutions, to using a SerialInterface chip such as the DS2480B, to incorporatingDallas Semiconductor’s VHDL 1-Wire TM MasterController in a custom ASIC. This article introducesthe user tothesimplest possible software solution forbasic 1-WireTMcommunicationbetweenamicrocontroller and any number of DS18x20 orDS1822 temperature sensors.
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