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电子发烧友网>电子资料下载>嵌入式开发>Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library User's Guide

Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library User's Guide

2017-10-11 | rar | 2.09 MB | 次下载 | 免费


  The Texas Instruments® Stellaris® Peripheral Driver Library is a set of drivers for accessing theperipherals found on the Stellaris family of ARM® Cortex™-M based microcontrollers. While theyare not drivers in the pure operating system sense (that is, they do not have a common interfaceand do not connect into a global device driver infrastructure), they do provide a mechanism thatmakes it easy to use the device’s peripherals.The capabilities and organization of the drivers are governed by the following design goals:They are written entirely in C except where absolutely not possible.They demonstrate how to use the peripheral in its common mode of operation.They are easy to understand.They are reasonably efficient in terms of memory and processor usage.They are as self-contained as possible.Where possible, computations that can be performed at compile time are done there insteadof at run time.They can be built with more than one tool chai

Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library User's Guide

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